
来源 :中国医药学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfl110
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<正> 颈椎病是一种以退行性病理改变为基础的疾患。随着人类寿命的延长,发病率也在逐年递增,有统计表明,50岁左右的人群中约有25%的人患过或正患此病,60岁左右者占50%,70岁左右
<正> 临证中,如何提高临床疗效?首先是辨证准确,其次是用药精选,再就是参照现代中药药理遣方,即开一张处方,运用中西医两条思路,常获满意效果。 这种思路的形成,始于1960年。
Objective:To test two theories from traditional Chinese medicine:&#39;exterior -interior relationship between the lung and large intestine&#39; and &#39;treatin
Objective:To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying the development of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) with spleen and kidney yang
Objective:To compare the effects of pulsating and static cupping on non-specific neck pain and local skin microcirculation blood perfusion,which is a pilot stud
Objective:To investigate the effect of decocted Coptis chinensis Franch.(Huanglian Jianji,黄连煎剂,HLJJ) and berbenne on the gut microbiota of the rats with met
<正> 我院激光科自89年10月至90年5月,采用CO_2激光祛纹身82例,经半年随访,均取得令人满意效果。 治疗方法 1.仪器采用北京激光研究所生产的KF—11型CO_2激光机,波长10.6μm
Objective:Ephedra asarum aconite decoction is used in the clinical treatment of allergic rhinitis.We investigated the effects of ephedra asarum aconite decoctio