改善医患关系 减少医患纠纷

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近年来,医患纠纷在全国范围内呈上升趋势。一些地方医患关系紧张,医患之间信任度下降,已成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。一、医患纠纷增多的原因分析冰冻三尺非一日之寒。医患纠纷原因复杂多样,联系实际,综合分析,主要有以下几个方面:1、医患之间法律意识和维权意识不同步。医患纠纷增多,是患者自我保护意识增强的反映,是个人权利意识的觉醒。而部分医院管理者和医务人员的法律意识却相对薄弱,缺少对有关法律法规的学习和掌握,依法行医还只是停留在口头上,没能从思想上引起高度重视,并落实到实际行动中去,这种不平衡、不同步,导致双方在权利与义务问题上发生纠纷。2、医疗服务和行风建设不到位。部分医院服务意识淡薄,服务流程繁琐,服务态, In recent years, doctor-patient disputes have shown an upward trend throughout the country. In some places, the relationship between doctors and patients is tense, and the degree of trust between doctors and patients has declined. This has become a social issue that cannot be ignored. First, the reasons for the increase in disputes between doctors and patients are analyzed. The reasons for the disputes between doctors and patients are complex and diverse. In connection with the actual situation, comprehensive analysis mainly includes the following aspects: 1. The awareness of legal awareness and rights protection among doctors and patients is not synchronized. The increase in disputes between doctors and patients is a reflection of the increased self-protection awareness of patients and awakening of individual rights consciousness. The legal awareness of some hospital administrators and medical personnel is relatively weak, and lack of learning and mastery of relevant laws and regulations. Medical practice according to law has only remained verbally and has failed to attract ideological attention, and it has been implemented into practical actions. This imbalance and lack of synchronization have led to disputes between the parties on issues of rights and obligations. 2. The construction of medical services and practice is not in place. Some hospitals have a weak sense of service, cumbersome service procedures, and service status.
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