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显然,这不是一部传统意义上的小说,甚至是有些冒险的。由李庄而起的这个故事确实美丽。那爱与死的挣扎和毁灭。那已逝的,不单单是诗人的死,还有爱过并被爱过的花样人生。当这种爱被升华到精神的维度,便必然会为人们留下神圣与永恒。这段二三十年代的悱恻故事早已尽人皆知,成为经典,怎样写,才不会落入历史的窠臼中——我只想在斑斓的往昔中探寻人性的真伪,在凄切的迷惘中寻觅爱的真谛,在交叉的纠葛中找到那个精美的角度,在似有若无的虚实间,让文字依我的心意行云流水。于是想到了戏剧,想到了由演员来承载故人的今世前生。在舞台上,他们既是自己,又同时扮演着别人的灵魂。只有通过他们,才能幻化出当年的景象,展现出人物的苦乐沉浮。而他们的表达显然是多声部的,充满了戏剧性的,于是就成了那个时代的传声筒。为此,我让小说中的人物承担起他们沉重的负荷。无论属于他们,抑或不属于他们的,浮生若梦般的悲凉。于是演员成为了小说中最具表现力的载体。唯他们能将当年的风云人物再现于舞台。为此,他们的自身也随之交得丰富,不仅要在表演中体现人格,还要出神入化地诠释出人物的命运。于是,自我,非我.分裂的精神状态,或者,终将不过是“花非花”的俗套。如今徽因、思成、志摩及老金,均成为老照片中的故人,于是许多当年的细节已无从考证。时至今日,这段久远而凄美的故事。已慢慢变成传奇。所以人们今天追述的,往往已不再是岁月留痕的种种往昔了。总之,不忘五月时油菜花开的美丽时节;不忘由李庄而起的这段迷人的往事;不忘走进李庄的那一刻,就笃定了,要“陪伴着你在暮色里闲坐”。然后,一个字一个字地,涂抹出《矮墙上的艳阳》。 Obviously, this is not a traditional novel, or even a bit adventurous. The story from Li Zhuang really beautiful. That love and death struggle and destruction. It has not only been the death of a poet, but also the life of love and loved ones. When this love is sublimated into the spiritual dimension, it is bound to leave people sacred and eternal. This twenties and thirties Chanba story has long been known to become a classic, how to write, it will not fall into the trap of history - I just want to explore the gorgeous past in the authenticity of human nature, looking for love in the mournful confusion The true meaning of the entanglement in the cross to find that beautiful point of view, in the absence of the actual situation, so that the text according to my mind wandering. So think of the drama, think of the actor to carry the ancestors of present and future generations. On the stage, they are both themselves and at the same time playing the soul of others. Only through them, can the illusion of the year's scene, showing the ups and downs of the characters. And their expression is obviously polyphonic, full of dramatic, so it became the voice of the era. To this end, I let the characters in the novel bear their heavy load. No matter belong to them, or do not belong to them, like the sadness of desolation. So the actor became the most expressive carrier in the novel. Only they can reproduce the man of the year on the stage. To this end, they themselves have to pay rich, not only in the performance of personality, but also superbly interpreted the fate of the characters. Thus, the ego, non-me, split state of mind, or, ultimately, nothing more than a cliché of “non-flower”. Now Huin, thinking into, Shima and Lao Jin, have become the old people in the photo, so many of the details of the year has no way of research. Today, this long and poignant story. Has slowly become a legend. So what people chase today is often no longer the traces of the years past. In short, did not forget the May when the rape blooming beauty season; do not forget this from the Li Zhuang this fascinating past; do not forget into the moment of Li Zhuang, it assured, to “accompany you in the twilight Sit in ”. Then, word by word, smear the “sun on a low wall.”