
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stacy_sj
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○我们要继续坚持“两条腿走路的方针”,一个是社会力量办园,一个是政府办园。我认为鼓励社会力量办园最重要的是两条:一、对社会力量办园包括私人办园,要实行一视同仁的政策。在登记注册、分类定级、教师培训、职称评定等方面要与政府办园一视同仁。二、制定合理的收费政策。○政府和有关部门举办的幼儿园一般都具有较好的基础和较高的管理水平,发挥着示范作用。要继续坚持办好,不能因为有社会力量办园,政府就停止举办,更不能将政府举办的幼儿园作价变卖。○在农村,要明确乡(镇)政府办园的责任。要办好现有的乡(镇)中心幼儿园。乡(镇)中心幼儿园要努力办成示范园,不能作价变卖。○要特别强调加强政府对幼儿教育的领导,原因就在于幼儿教育和各类学校教育不同,各类学校教育已经形成比较规范的管理体制,而幼儿教育的办园主体是多元的,尤其是社会力量是主要的办园力量,在这种情况下,没有政府的统筹,有些工作的确难办。○在以社区为背景发展多种形式的早期教育机构的新形势下,仅仅依靠教育部门办的示范园发挥示范和辐射作用是不够的,教育行政部门还应在各类社会力量办园中扶持一批办园思想端正、管理严谨、教育质量高又拥有较好社会信誉的幼儿园作为示范园。○幼儿教育发展需要全社会的关心和支持,但教育行政部门切实履行主管部门的责任,恪尽职守至关重要,对一些必须加以制止的现象,如变卖公办幼儿园,违反规定高额收费等等,要敢于管理,要采取有力措施,坚持改革的正确方向,促进幼教事业健康发展。 ○ We must continue to adhere to the “two-legged guideline,” one for the social forces and the other for the government-run park. I think the most important thing to encourage social forces to run a park is two: First, policies should be implemented on social institutions such as private parks. In the registration, classification and grading, teacher training, job evaluation and other aspects of the government office park equally. Second, develop a reasonable charging policy. ○ Kindergartens held by the government and relevant departments generally have a good foundation and high management level, playing an exemplary role. We must continue to adhere to the principle of running a well-run society. We should not stop the government because of social forces and let the government organize sales of kindergartens. ○ In rural areas, it is necessary to clarify the responsibility of township (town) government parks. To do a good job of the existing township (town) center nursery. Township (town) center kindergarten should try to become a demonstration garden, can not be sold at a price. ○ Special emphasis should be placed on strengthening the government’s leadership over early childhood education. The reason is that early childhood education and all kinds of school education are different, and all kinds of school education have formed a relatively standardized management system. However, the main body of preschool education is diverse, especially in society Strength is the main strength of the park administration. Under such circumstances, there is no government co-ordination and some jobs are indeed difficult to handle. ○ Under the new situation of developing various forms of early education institutions based on the community background, it is not enough to rely solely on the demonstration parks run by the education departments to play the role of demonstration and radiation. Education administration departments should also support in various social forces parks A group of park management thought, rigorous management, high quality of education and have a better social reputation kindergarten as a demonstration garden. ○ The development of early childhood education needs the care and support of the whole society. However, it is of utmost importance for education administrations to fulfill their responsibilities and perform their duties in a down-to-earth manner. Some phenomena that must be stopped, such as the sale of public kindergartens, high fees in violation of regulations, etc. Dare to manage, take effective measures, adhere to the correct direction of reform, and promote the healthy development of preschool education.
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