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   Talking About College Education
   To go to college has been a dream not only for young people but, if not more so, a dream for their parents. There are wrenching stories about how mothers would sacrifice everything for their children for a college education, and there are also stories about young college students from poverty stricken mountainous areas studying day and night to achieve good grades so as not to disappoint the villagers who contributed to his college tuition.
   Now, colleges are more accessible than they were before. In recent years, Chinese colleges have been admitting anywhere from 4 to 5 million freshmen a year, while, in the United States, there are an estimated 18 million freshmen enrolled in colleges annually. An overall 24 percent of high school graduates in China and a little more than 62 percent of high school graduates in the US go on to get a college degree each year. We can, nevertheless, still talk about how to improve the college-going ratio so that all young people who want to go to college can fulfill that dream. But, we are not going to do that today. Instead, I’d like to chat about college education from a different angleIs a college degree worth it anymore?
   Does Graduation Equal to Unemployment?
   Currently, there is a heated discussion in this country on the meaning of going to college. With the economy dragging its feet in recovery, for many college students graduation means unemployment it is not so much as a cliche that people try to avoid using but a deadly true reality for millions of college graduates these days. After four years’hard work examines, papers, countless sleepless nights to get projects completed on time one graduating from college these days has very little chance to get the job he is trained for. Only about 42 percent of the college graduates in 2013 found a job in the first six months after graduating, and 41 percent of them worked for less than $25,000 a year. More than 40 and 50 percent of these grads, respectively, live at home and rely on their parents’ health insurance, becoming what we would call here in China Kenlaozu[啃老族] 。    Heavily in Debt with an Uncertain Prospect
   A college education also comes with a big price tag. There are generally two types of colleges here in the States, private and public institutions. Private colleges are more expensive to attend than public colleges since the latter are supported by state government with tax monies. For tuition, the average cost between 2013 and 2014 was $30,000 per academic year at private colleges, but for public colleges the average tuition was about $9,000. If, however, a student goes college in a state other than his resident state, then his tuition would be more than $22,000, which is called the“out of state tuition.” A student from overseas will always pay the out of state tuition no matter which state he attends a public college in.
   Tuition is not the only cost in college. Students must eat and have a place to live, which would cost about $10,000 a year depending one’s life style. There are also books students have to buy for their classes, and those cost approximately $1,200 a year. Other costs, such as clothing, entertainment, transportation, and travel, may vary among students but should be budgeted for $2,000 to $3,000 a year.
   It looks like whether attending public or private schools, a student must pay some $30,000 every year for four years to get his college degree. Some students have their parents to cover all or some of the costs but many students work and take loans to survive the college years. On average, a recent college graduate owes $25,000 in student loans, and the total cumulative student debt is reaching $1 trillion, surpassing the level of the national of credit card debt.
   Four years later,
很多人有过这样的经验,在国外给孩子买玩具,上面经常标着Made in China。中国是世界上最大的玩具生产国和出口国,货架上琳琅满目的玩具是今天孩子们的福气。但曾几何时,一把玻璃球,一套橡皮筋却是当年孩子的全部家当。  在还没有实行计划生育的时代,一个家庭几个孩子十分普遍,父母买衣服总是从大孩子的尺寸买起,弟弟妹妹可以一直穿下去。那时的环境相对简单,没有电视,也没有电脑,孩子们的学业还不是太重,
摘要:小学语文高效课堂教学的实施,要凭借教师注重自身文化科学素养和教学素养的积淀,厚积薄发,灵活运用;注重教学设计的科学、合理、灵动性;把握儿童年龄特点以及认知水平,因材施教;灵活机动地处理课堂突发事件等。  关键词:小学语文;高效课堂;教学机智  中图分类号:G623.23文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2012)11-0024-05  我曾经的理想是做个受孩子喜爱的老师,上让孩子
摘要:写字是语文学习的一个重要方面,是继承和弘扬中华民族传统文化的一项基础工程,然而纵观近几年农村学校的写字教学,现状堪忧:小学生“四姿”不规范、字体潦草、错别字频出。这一现象应该引起教育主管部门、学校、教师、家庭的高度重视。目前,教师“三笔字”技能亟待提高,学生“四姿”的培养迫在眉睫。只要我们高度重视,加强示范指导,努力激发学生书写兴趣,书写“规范、端正、整洁”的目标则水到渠成。  关键词:农村
摘 要:中国是诗的国度,古诗的魅力经久弥香。常见的“三段论”式的教学方式使教和学都无味,无法让学生体会古诗的表达之妙与意境之美。随着统编本教材的全面铺开,如何将古诗教学和创意读写相融合,从而有效提升学生的思考能力、理解能力和审美能力,颇有研究价值。每一次和“汉字的魔方”相遇,教师都应带着学生通过有层次的朗读进行推进、设计有价值的学习活动、与其他经典文字相融相比,让学生不断感受到古诗丰富的内涵,并提
关键词:小学语文;清贫;“决”与“绝”;疑义  中图分类号:G623.22 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-010X(2016)02-0075-01  冀教版义务教育课程标准实验教材2008年6月第1版,2015年5月第8次印刷的小学语文六年级上册教材第23课《清贫》中有一句话:“‘决不会没有钱的,一定是藏在哪里,你骗不了我。’另一个士兵一面说,一面弓着背又将我的衣角裤裆细细地捏了一遍,企望
内容提要 清代王又朴《史记七篇读法》,继承前代评点传统,而又有所创新。从选本角度看,他的选编目的和原则是以儒家思想体系阐释七篇文章背后隐藏的深意。虽然只选择《史记》七篇作品,但涉及到本纪、世家、列传三种体例,便于分析文章的义法,而且传主都是当代历史的重要人物,反映了西汉王朝由建立到逐渐强大兴盛的过程。从评点角度看,王又朴继承桐城派鼻祖方苞的“义法”理论,并把这种理论贯穿在具体的评点之中,由法见义,
一. 非谓语动词的含义   非谓语动词首先是一种动词形式,其次是这种动词形式不能做谓语,综合这两点,我们将其叫做非谓语动词。   二. 非谓语动词的形式   非谓语动词包含四种形式,即不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。具体形式如下:   1. 不定式:to do(表示主动,并且一般表示将来)   例如:   The teacher told us to do morning exer
内容提要 基于农村一个多子女家庭的个案研究,本文认为老年人根据自己的家庭养老需求,通过采用在子女间进行家庭经济资源的不平均分配的养老策略,从而实现养老需求。  关键词 人口老龄化 养老需求 家庭经济资源 不平均分配  中图分类号 C913.6  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0447-662X(2010)02-0181-05    问题的提出    人口老龄化是世界各国普遍面临的紧迫议题,中国也不例
关键词:9加几;多元环节;优化认知  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2016)02-0078-03  《九年义务教育数学课程标准》明确要求:应把培养计算能力作为小学数学教学的一项重要任务,计算能力的培养要从一年级抓起、抓实。《小学数学课程标准》又鲜明提倡,应让学生在认知活动中学习,亲自体验知识的形成和发展。“凑十法”是进位加法计算常用的快捷的方法,学好“凑
一张灵秀的脸最容易被人美好地记住,一篇灵动的文字也最容易被读者一见倾心。容貌难易,文笔可塑。所以,我们每个人从一开始练习写作的时候就要树立起自己的文笔打磨方向:字里行间富有灵气。  如何让文字富有灵气?待我先下水,给你细细道来。  教师下水文  湿鞋  这是一双布艺鞋,浅米色打底,鞋面上绣着红色的镂空蝴蝶,墨黑的半指宽布带子一圈一圈地交叉着裹住脚踝。我喜欢这双鞋,因为它既文艺又性感。{抓准题目中的