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(一)工商业变化发展情况:年来工商业经过了一二月份前的虚假繁荣,三四五月份的暂时困难,六月以后开始好转,三个时期的曲折变化过程:1、一、二月份时由于国民党反动统治所造成的十二年的通货膨胀的遗毒,仍然支配着工商业,社会虚假购买力仍充斥市场,物价上涨的趋势仍然威协着正当工商业的发展和人民的生活,因此工商业却呈现着极不正常的虚假繁荣,如青岛造纸、火柴、烟草一月份生产总值与四九年十二月份比较,造纸业增加了百分之四十五.七一,火柴业增加了百分之十一.八六,烟草业增加了百分之九十六.四二,两个月中工商业开歇相抵后仍增加了一七四户,全省除徐州一市减少十三户外,济南、潍坊等市均略有增加。2、三、四、五月份,国家财政经济工作统一以后,扭转了历史上的通货膨胀,物价迅速趋于稳定,虚假购买力消失,货物滞销,工厂减产,工商业普遍遇到了暂时不同程度的困难。济、青、徐、潍四地四月份减少二八一户,五月减九○五户,六月减九九一户,歇业逐月增加,六月到达顶点。工厂亦普遍减产,如以青岛为例造纸业三月较一月份生 (I) Changes in the Development of Business: In the past, business and industry went through a period of fake prosperity in January and February, temporary difficulties in March, May and May, and then began to turn around after June. The twists and turns of the three periods are as follows: 1. In January and February, The legacy of the 12 years of inflation caused by the Kuomintang’s reactionary rule still dominates commerce and industry. The fake purchasing power of the society is still flooding the market. The trend of rising prices is still in keeping with the development of legitimate industry and commerce and people’s livelihood. Unfair False Prosperity, such as Papermaking, Matchsticks, Tobacco Production in January Compared with January-December of 1991, the paper industry increased by 45%. On July 1, the match industry increased by 11% In 1986, the tobacco industry increased by 96% .In April 22 and February, the number of industrial and commercial enterprises still increased by 174 after opening an intermittent trade. In addition, the province saved 13 cities outside of Xuzhou, while Jinan and Weifang City are slightly increased. 2. In March, April and May, following the unification of China’s financial and economic work, the history of inflation was reversed. The rapid stabilization of prices, the disappearance of fake purchasing power, the slow sales of goods and the reduction of factories led to the temporary difficulties encountered by the commercial and industrial sectors. In April, Ji’ge, Qinghai, Xu and Wei allied to reduce the number of 281 households in May, 955 in May and 991 in June. The number of unemployed workers increased month by month, culminating in June. Factories also generally reduce production, such as the case of Qingdao, papermaking in March than in January
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