
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenman
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广播电视部门的管理体制人们已经议论了多年,尚未取得一致认可的结论。目前,各级广播电影电视部门管理体制模式多种多样,各有其短长。但不管那种模式,广播电视部门的多元化职能,却是共同存在的客观现实。一般说来,探讨机构的设置必须从研究职能入手。本文仅就广播电视机构多元化职能的现状,及其在实际工作中如何更好发挥各种职能,作一些粗浅的剖析。从单一职能到多元职能的演变从解放区广播事业发展的历史上考察,建国前的广播电台,都是单一的广播新闻机构,执行着单一的广播新闻宣传职能。新中 Management systems in the radio and television sector People have argued for many years that no unanimous conclusion has yet been reached. At present, there are a variety of modes of management system for radio, film and television departments at all levels and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, regardless of the model, the diversified functions of the radio and television departments are an objective fact of coexistence. In general, exploring the setting of institutions must start with the research function. This article only on the status quo of diversified functions of radio and television agencies, and how to better play a variety of functions in actual work, for some superficial analysis. From Single Function to Multi-Function Evolution From the historical perspective of the broadcasting industry in the Liberated Areas, radio stations before the founding of the People’s Republic of China were all single broadcasting news agencies that carried out a single radio and news propaganda function. New