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积极推进中国特色军事变革,做好新时期军事斗争准备,实现建设信息化军队、打赢信息化战争的战略目标,河北陆军预备役某炮兵师党委始终把抓好先进性建设作为统领部队和加强自身建设的根本任务,坚持在学好理论中坚定理想信念,在履行职责中强化奉献精神,在勤学苦练中提高能力素质,在真抓实干中培育求实作风,在开拓创新中谋求部队发展,在严格自律中树立良好形象,部队快速动员和遂行作战任务的能力实现了整体跃升。全区民兵预备役部队要认真学习他们始终把政治合格作为践行先进性要求的最高准则;学习他们始终把“打得赢”作为先进性要求的根本标准;学习他们始终把以人为本作为先进性要求的实践课题;学习他们始终把树好形象作为践行先进性要求的重要目标。全区民兵预备役部队在开展向河北陆军预备役某炮兵师学习活动中,要把落实胡主席“三个下功夫,一个落到实处”的重要指示结合起来,同正在开展的保持共产党先进性教育活动结合起来,同学习三十八集团军防空旅先进事迹结合起来,以昂扬的精神状态,扎实的工作作风和一流的工作标准,把我区国防后备力量建设提高到一个新的水平。 Actively promote the military reform with Chinese characteristics, do a good job in preparing for the military struggle in the new era, realize the strategic goal of building an informatized army and winning the informatized war. The Party committee of an artillery division of the reservist of the Hebei Army always takes the advanced nature building as the commanding force and strengthens itself The basic task of construction is to uphold the ideal and conviction in the theory of learning, to strengthen dedication in carrying out their duties, to improve their ability and quality in hard work and hard work, to cultivate a realistic style of work in pursuing practical work, to seek for the development of the armed forces in pioneering and innovating, In the process of self-discipline, a sound image has been established and the overall ability of the armed forces to mobilize troops and carry out operational tasks has achieved an overall rise. The militia and reserve forces in the entire region should conscientiously study and always regard political conformity as the supreme criterion for practicing the requirements of advanced nature. They must always take “win as a victory ” as the basic criterion for their advancement requirements. They must always take the people-oriented as the advanced nature Requirements of the practical issues; learn from them always learn the good image of the tree as an important goal of the requirements of the advanced nature. In carrying out the study of an artillery division reservist of Hebei Army, the reserve militia unit of the entire region should combine the important instructions of Chairman Hu x {5eend} of the “three devoted efforts and one of the achievements of the implementation” with the ongoing work of maintaining the advanced nature of the communist party Combining educational activities with the advanced deeds of studying the 38th Army Air Defense Brigade, we should raise the national defense reserve forces in our region to a new level with high spirits, solid working style and first-class working standards.
1811年,身为纽伦堡中学校长的黑格尔(George Wilhelm FriedrichHegel,1770-1831)新婚燕尔,沉浸于幸福中的他曾说过:“我终于完全实现了自己的尘世宿愿,一有公职、二有爱妻。
早在60年代,鉴于军事需要,前苏联设计建造出一种集舰船和飞机之优于一身的新型军事交通运输工具,命名为“地效飞行器”。其中的一艘于70年代在里海试飞时,被美国卫星 As ea