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江泽民同志在十四届五中全会的讲话中指出,“思想政治建设始终是党的建设的首要任务,是带动其他方面建设的根本建设,必须抓紧抓实”。他特别强调,领导干部一定要讲政治,包括政治方向、政治立场、政治观点、政治纪律、政治鉴别力、政治敏锐性。他要求各级领导干部在重大政治问题上一定要坚持原则,明辨是非,始终保持政治上的清醒和坚定。江泽民同志的指示,针对性很强,不仅是对各级领导干部、领导班子的要求,也是对全党、对党员素质的提高提出的要求。我们必须把“讲政治”摆在党的建设的重要位置上,提高自觉性,采取得力措施,切实抓出成效。 In his speech at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Ideological and political building has always been the primary task of party building, the fundamental construction that drives other aspects of the building, and must be firmly grasped.” He emphasized in particular that leading cadres must talk about politics, including political orientation, political stance, political opinions, political discipline, political discrimination, and political acumen. He demanded that leading cadres at all levels must uphold the principle on major political issues, distinguish right and wrong from other issues, and always remain politically awake and firm. Comrade Jiang Zemin’s directives are highly targeted not only for the requirements of leading cadres and leading bodies at all levels but also for the improvement of the quality of the entire party and of party members. We must put “stresses politics ” in the important position of party building, enhance our consciousness, adopt effective measures and earnestly give prominence to results.
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