
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czn2000
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高尔基曾经说过,如果享受工作的乐趣,那么人生就是天堂。 有人曾这样形容地税人员:走不完的重复路一圈又一圈,说不完的重复话一遍又一遍,开税票、查帐——枯燥而又缺乏色彩。然而石新颖,这位从普通税务专管员走上来的巩义市地税局副局长、纪检组长,却对税收工作有着全新的理解,在他眼里,税收工作不是简单的重复劳动,而是一门管理艺术。机构分设三年来,石新颖先后被评为郑州市“十大杰出青年”、“新长征突击手”、“优秀共产党员”、“十佳市民”、全国税务系统先进工作者,他一手创建的巩义市地税局直属分局也连获全国税务系统“文明示范单位”和全国“青年文明号”两项殊荣,成为全国税务系统学习的楷模。为了探寻先进的足迹,记者日前来到了巩义市地税局。 面对直属所简陋的物质环境,石新颖提出:“不是人养花,而是花养人”的理论,他深信,人可以改变环境,环境也可以改变人。在8个月里,直属所创造了一个又一个奇迹 1994年,税务机构分设,对大多数地税人员采说简直是一场梦,梦醒的时候,除了憋足的一股子不服输的劲,再没有其他的了。而在这时,石新颖被推上了巩义市地税局直属所所长的位置。看看直属所 Gorky once said that if you enjoy the pleasure of work, then life is heaven. Someone once described land tax officers as saying that repeated routes are endless and lap after road, and repeated over and over again, with tax breaks and check accounts - boring and lacking in color. However, Shi Xinying, the deputy tax manager and discipline inspection chief of Gongyi City Local Taxation Department who came up from the ordinary tax supervisor, has a completely new understanding of taxation work. In his eyes, taxation work is not a simple repetitive work. Instead, A management art. In the past three years since the establishment of the institute, Shi Xinying was successively awarded the “Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons”, “New Long March Assault Hand”, “Outstanding Communist Party Member” and “Top Ten Citizens” of Zhengzhou City, and the advanced worker of the national taxation system. Gongyi City Local Taxation Bureau directly under the branch also won the national tax system “civilized model unit” and the national “Youth Civilization” two awards, a national tax system to learn a model. In order to explore the advanced footprints, the reporter recently came to Gongyi City Local Taxation Bureau. In the face of the simple physical environment directly underneath, Shi Xinying put forward the theory that “people do not spend flowers, but spend flowers and raise people.” He is convinced that people can change the environment and the environment can change people. In eight months, directly under the creation of one after another miracle 1994, the tax agency is divided, most of the land tax officers said that mining is simply a dream, when awakened, in addition to holding back a share of unconvincing defeat, There is nothing else. And at this moment, Shi Xinying was pushed to the position of director of Gongti Local Taxation Bureau. Look directly under the
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一、不要给地方增加麻烦。 解放初期,朱德元帅离散多年的亲属急切盼望到北京团聚,有的还想参加工作。朱老总电告在重庆的西南局:“要动员他们尽快回去。要求工作的,也要根据