团结奋斗 励精图治

来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzh19780101
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在全国各条战线深入贯彻党的十三届五中全会精神的形势下,我们迎来了九十年代第一春,跨进了治理整顿,深化改革的关键性一年。 在新的一年里,摆在全国各级人民法院面前的头等重要任务,就是要把五中全会的精神坚决落实到人民法院的各项工作特别是审判工作中去,全面开展审判工作,充分发挥审判机关的职能作用,以维护国家的政治、经济和社会稳定,保障和促进治理整顿、深化改革的顺利进行,为实现国民经济的长期持续、稳定、协调发展服务。 人民法院是国家的审判机关,是人民民主专政的重要工具,对于政治、经济和社会的稳定担负着重要责任。今年,社会治安形势仍将相当严峻:国内外敌对势力和各种仇视社会主义制度的敌对分子仍在伺机进行破坏活动; With the thorough implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee on all fronts in the country, we ushered in the first spring of the 1990s and stepped into the crucial year for rectifying and deepening the reform. In the new year, the first and most important task before the people’s courts at all levels across the country is to firmly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session in all the work of the people’s court, especially the trial work, and carry out the trial in an all-round way. Play the role of judicial organs in order to safeguard the political, economic and social stability of the country, guarantee and promote the rectification of governance, deepen the smooth progress of the reform, and serve the long-term sustained, stable and coordinated development of the national economy. People’s courts are the judiciary of the country and an important tool of the people’s democratic dictatorship. They bear important responsibilities for the political, economic and social stability. This year, the social order situation will still be quite harsh: hostile forces both at home and abroad and various hostile to the socialist system are still waiting for opportunities to sabotage activities;
一 “马艳勋因制造假案徇私枉法被逮捕了!” 这个消息就象是晴天霹雳,着实让河南省平顶山市中级人民法院的几位院领导惊得目瞪口呆。 说起这位新华区法院的经济庭审判员以及
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