台湾电影“金马奖”是台湾电影发展的一面镜子,近几年来,台湾电影的现状与其说是正遇到瓶颈“,不如说是”正处在生死存亡关头“。 来自台湾“行政院新闻局电影事业处“的消息说,2001年1月至10月,台湾生产发行影片11部,全年发行部数降至1996年以来最低点。
The Taiwan film “Golden Horse Award” is a mirror of the development of Taiwan’s movies. In recent years, the status quo of Taiwan’s movies is not so much a bottleneck as saying “it is” at the corner of life and death. “From Taiwan’s” Information Bureau of the Executive Yuan “ Department ”said that from January to October 2001, Taiwan produced and distributed 11 films and the number of issuers for the whole year dropped to its lowest level since 1996.