China—ASEAN Expo Vietnam Exhibition:

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  China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) Vietnam Exhibition is expected to be held in June 2016 when numerous Chinese enterprises led by the authority of CAEXPO will showcase their competitive products in Vietnam, with the aim of providing diversified investment channels and mutually beneficial cooperation platforms for the enterprises of both parties, following Thailand Exhibition (2014) and Indonesia Exhibition (2015). According to the mechanism of CAEXPO, Vietnam has been confirmed as the Country of Honor at this year’s Expo.
  An outlook on Vietnam
  Over the years, Vietnam has been maintaining frequent trade contacts with China, and its economic growth remains stable. To achieve fruitful achievements at the Vietnam Exhibition, it is essential that we know about the performance of local market and bilateral cooperation between the two sides.
  At present, Vietnam’s economic momentum is robust, and several bilateral and multilateral FTA agreements have been signed. Vietnam officially signed the TPP in New Zealand in February 2016, for example, which will generate export growth in terms of such industries as textile and footwear, as well as bring real benefits to foreign-owned enterprises by means of tariff preference.
  With respect to trade cooperation between Vietnam and China, China now has become Vietnam’s largest trading partner, largest source of imports, as well as fourth export market. The bilateral trade scale continues to expand while bilateral trade structure is being transformed from primary manufactured goods to technology-based and capital-intensive products. For instance, the top five products imported from China in 2015 are high-tech products including electronics, mechanical products, vehicles and parts, etc., accounting for 46.23 percent of the total import volume. In addition, border cooperation is also an important component of the bilateral trade. According to the statistics released by Vietnam’s MOIT, Vietnam’s total border-trade volume reached US$ 27.56 billion, of which the proportion of China-Vietnam border trade totaled 85 percent.
  Moreover, China’s investment to Vietnam still embraces huge potential, as revealed by the relevant data. Specifically speaking, the investment amount of 1,284 projects invested by China in Vietnam added up to US$ 10 billion, of which the proportion of processing & manufacturing industry stood at as much as 70 percent. As of now, Vietnam still remains the fifth largest textile export country in the world. Last year, Vietnam’s total export volume in textile and clothing was US$ 27.5 billion, and 80 percent of its most raw and auxiliary materials was imported from China.   To seek business opportunities at CAEXPO Vietnam Exhibition
  CAEXPO Vietnam Exhibition, a comprehensive commodity fair, will be held at Hanoi International Center for Exhibition (I. C. E. Hanoi), Hanoi, Vietnam this year, at a time when various competitive products are to be exhibited in a total of 150 indoor standard exhibition booths. It is worth noting that most commodities to be exhibited are pertaining to advanced technology industries including food processing & packaging machinery, engineering machinery and transport vehicles, electronic products, power equipment, new energy resources, etc. Moreover, excellent exhibition services will be provided for the successful operation of the exhibition, such as cooperating with chambers of commerce in Vietnam, sending letters of invitation to the target enterprises by virtue of the database owned by China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat, encouraging the exhibitors to invite their regular customers and customers with cooperation intentions. In addition to the above-mentioned services, China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat will provide the exhibitors with special treatment due to Vietnam’s identity as the 13th CAEXPO’s Country of Honor, such as transportation subsidy for items on display, subsidy for the fair-goers, priority support for booth distribution, media interview, etc. Thus, the exhibitors will enjoy much more substantial and comprehensive exhibition experience.
  2016 is a significant year for pragmatically pushing ahead with the China-proposed Belt and Road construction. Under this backdrop, holding CAEXPO Vietnam Exhibition is conducive to building the Belt and Road together with Vietnam, reinforcing the innovation of bilateral pragmatic cooperation, and satisfying the time demands of amicable relations between Vietnam and China; meanwhile, it will further deepen the integration of markets of both parties, achieve advantage complementarity, common development and mutual benefits and win-win results, as well as promote the unimpeded trade to a higher level.
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