
来源 :临床消化病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep1number
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目的探讨口服莫沙比利分散片对胶囊内镜检查中胃肠转运时间、全小肠检查完成率及胶囊内镜诊断率的影响。方法将30例患者随机分为服药组(15例)和对照组(15例),所有患者检查前1天晚餐进流质后禁食。两组患者均在检查前5 h行肠道准备。服药组检查前15 min口服莫沙比利分散片5 mg,对照组检查前不服用任何药物。结果服药组平均胃排空时间为27±18 min,对照组为:65±25 min,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。完成全小肠检查者通过时间服药组平均为’240±45 min,对照组平均为290±60 min,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。全小肠检查完成率服药组为93.3%,对照组为73.3%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。胶囊内镜诊断率服药组为80.0%,对照组为66.7%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论胶囊内镜检查前给予口服莫沙比利可以缩短胃排空时间,可能提高全小肠检查完成率和胶囊内镜诊断率。对年老体弱、胃动力不足的受检者,胶囊内镜检查前口服莫沙比利,可以提高胶囊内镜诊断率。 Objective To investigate the influence of oral Mosapride dispersible tablets on the gastrointestinal transit time, the rate of complete small bowel examination and the diagnostic rate of capsule endoscopy in capsule endoscopy. Methods Thirty patients were randomized into medication group (n = 15) and control group (n = 15). All patients were fasted after they had entered the liquid phase on the day before examination. The two groups of patients were gut prepared 5 hours before the examination. The medication group 15 min oral Mosapride dispersible tablets 5 mg, the control group before taking any medication. Results The mean gastric emptying time was 27 ± 18 min in the medication group and 65 ± 25 min in the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). The average time for complete small intestine examination was 240 ± 45 minutes in the medication group and 290 ± 60 minutes in the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). The rate of complete small intestine examination was 93.3% in the medication group and 73.3% in the control group, with significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). The diagnostic rate of capsule endoscopy was 80.0% in the medication group and 66.7% in the control group, with significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). Conclusion The oral administration of mosapride before capsule endoscopy can shorten the time of gastric emptying, which may improve the rate of complete small bowel examination and endoscopic diagnosis. For frail, stomach motility of the subjects, oral capsule endoscopy Mosha Billy, can improve the diagnostic rate of capsule endoscopy.
目的 研究 2 0 0 1年中国新分离维多利亚 (Victoria)系乙型流感病毒的抗原性及基因特性。方法 鸡胚传代流感病毒 ,从尿囊液中提取流感病毒的RNA ,进行逆转录 聚合酶链反应
目的 观察曲美布汀联合复方消化酶胶囊治疗功能性消化不良的临床疗效和安全性.方法 将210例功能性消化不良患者随机分为两组,每组105例,两组均口服曲美布汀片,三餐饭前30 min
目的 探讨老年溃疡性结肠炎(UC)患者的临床特点.方法 对2000年1月~ 2012年3月在本院门诊和住院的213例UC患者临床特点进行回顾性分析.60或60岁以上发病的患者为老年组,60岁以
目的探讨胃镜置入覆膜金属支架治疗食管癌食管气管瘘的临床疗效。方法 2005~2010年本院病理确诊的食管癌患者21例,经胃镜或食管造影证实合并食管-气管瘘,根据食管狭窄的程度、
目的 探讨检测肝硬化患者凝血指标、血清前白蛋白(PA)和总胆汁酸(TBA)的临床价值.方法 检测了165例肝硬化患者(肝硬化组)和50例健康者(对照组)的凝血功能指标(PT、aPTT、TF、
目的 探讨D-二聚体在肝硬化中的临床意义.方法 检测A组(肝硬化组)及B组(健康体检组)D-二聚体含量,并分析A组(肝硬化组)中Child-Pugh评分与D-二聚体含量的相关性.结果 A组D-二
目的检测高尔基体糖蛋白-73(Golgiprotein 73,GP73)和甲胎蛋白(AFP)在早期肝细胞癌组织中的表达情况,并探讨其意义。方法收集早期肝细胞癌的肿瘤组织40例,非肿瘤肝脏组织20例
目的 观察探讨内镜下黏膜切除术(endoscopic mucosal resection,EMR)在溃疡性结肠炎并发息肉治疗中的应用,分析该方法的优势及治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析2007年1月至2011年12