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你怎么看电视?我最近开始在计算机上看了。别误会,我不是刚刚买了电视卡这类的附件,而且通过宽带网络看真正的网络电视,或者干脆叫做IPTV。打开最近各个地区网站的TI新闻,IPTV都是一个热门词汇,可能牵引出一大堆新闻列表。与同样火热的数字电视相比,IPTV对于传统的广电行业更是一个严峻的冲击。对于普通用户来说,掌握目前IPTV背后的法规、利益集团可能没有太大的意义。但了解IPTV的基本技术,掌握IPTV软件的应用技巧还是相当有必要的。如果你的网络带宽足够,就可以享受丰富的网上视频资源。未来,IPTV甚至有可能成为一种主流的视频欣赏模式。 How do you watch TV? I recently started watching on the computer. Do not misunderstand, I did not just bought a TV card such attachments, but also through the broadband network to see the real Internet TV, or simply called IPTV. Open the TI news of the websites of various regions recently, IPTV is a hot word, may lead to a lot of news lists. Compared with the same fiery digital TV, IPTV is a severe challenge to the traditional radio and television industry. For ordinary users, grasp the laws and regulations behind the current IPTV, interest groups may not be too much significance. But understand the basic technology of IPTV, IPTV software to master the application skills or quite necessary. If your network bandwidth is sufficient, you can enjoy a wealth of online video resources. In the future, IPTV may even become a mainstream video-viewing model.
信息技术的飞速发展及其在军事领域的广泛应用,彻底改写了人类有史以来的战争记录,使战争领域发生了一场革命。传统的军服也在新技术的催化下产生了“质”的飞跃,请看—— T
据RoyC报道 ,在评价胆管结石方面 ,虚拟内窥镜 (virtualendoscope,VE)比最高密度投影 (MIP)MRI更有效。VE能诊断 3mm左右的结石 ,而MIP却不能。6 8例患者 ,年龄 2 8~ 82岁 (平均 38.5岁 )。其中 4 0例患者有结石 ,
1 概述 ML12-1Z半自动猎枪是中国兵器工业第二○八研究所为外贸出口而研制、生产的狩猎武器,也可供射击运动和警察防暴使用。 1 Overview ML12-1Z semi-automatic shotgun
Objective:Genotype-phenotype associations were studied in 517 subjects clinically affected by classical neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL). Methods:Genetic lo
Objective Accuracy of diagnostic methods for detecting Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection among patients with bleeding peptic ulcers has not been thoroug