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人至中年,压力大,工作忙碌,从外面奔波一天回来,常感浑身酸痛,身体像散了架一样。偶尔从电视里看到了一种拍打操,觉得很有趣,也很实用,便照着做了,还别说,真管用!拍打用的棍子,很特别,既不是木棍,也不是铁棍,那会容易伤着身体。而是用报纸做的棍子。取旧报纸四张,摊开,沿着一侧,卷到头,尽量卷紧,卷好后,用透明胶带固定好,一个纸棍子就好了,用了三个月后,可换新的。 Middle-aged man, stressful, busy working day, running back from the outside one day, often feeling whole body aches, body like a scattered frame. Occasionally I saw a twitch on TV and found it very interesting and very useful. I did it, not to mention it, and I was really in control! The beating stick was very special, neither a wooden stick nor an iron bar, That will easily hurt the body. It’s a stick made of newspaper. Take four old newspapers, spread out, along the side of the volume, the end of the volume, as far as possible tight, rolled, fixed with Scotch tape, a paper stick just fine, with three months later, can be new.
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