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森林资源林政管理工作是对整个森林资源的发展、经营、利用以及保护的全过程管理。由于松潘县地处青藏高原山区,森林资源较为丰富,因此林政管理工作就具有整体性、合理性、发展性的意义。就目前林业森林资源林政管理问题现状做出分析,并提出几点改善对策。 Forest resources Forest management is the entire forest resources development, management, utilization and protection of the entire process of management. As Songpan County is located in the mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, forest resources are more abundant, so the management of forest administration has a holistic, rational and developmental significance. At present, the status quo of forest management of forestry forest resources is analyzed and some suggestions for improvement are put forward.
通过林业经济合作组织的产生、发展和现状的分析,探讨其在林业中的作用及其对林业的影响,以开拓读者的思路,求得读者对林业经济合作组织的关注。 Through the analysis of t
林业是生态环境建设的主体,提出吉林省洮南市在生态建设中存在的问题和今后的发展思路。 Forestry is the main body of ecological environment construction, put forward
红豆杉是世界上公认的濒临灭绝的天然珍稀抗癌植物,主要阐述繁殖的方法和种子育苗管理技术。 Taxus is recognized as the world’s rare and endangered natural rare anti