之七十九、“金燕”,军汽工业的结晶 汽车是军队民用工业的主要产品。全国星罗棋布的军队汽车厂,在“八五”期间已形成年产5万辆能力,比“七五”增加了一倍,其中轻型汽车占80%以上,并向多品种、系列化、大批量方向发展。 进入“八五”建设期,原先分散、小而全的军队汽车工业已不适宜经济发展和市场竞争的需要,开发优质产品,提高市场竞争能力,加强内部联合,走集约化道路,已成为军队汽车工业发展的当务之急。于
Seventy-nine, “Jin Yan”, Junqi industrial crystalline car is the military civilian industry’s main product. The army car factories all over the country have produced an annual output of 50,000 vehicles during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, double that of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”, of which over 80% are light vehicles, and more than 80% The direction of development. In the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, the previously scattered and small military armies in the automobile industry are no longer suitable for the needs of economic development and market competition. Developing quality products, enhancing market competitiveness, and strengthening internal cooperation and intensive management have become common forces in the army The automotive industry’s top priority. in