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“一千年看北京,一百年看上海,三十年看深圳。”提起深圳,位于中国南部的这座海滨城市,中国改革的第一块试验田,中国对外开放的第一扇窗口,这块热土集聚了全世界的目光。深圳的经济发展成绩骄人,同样,在文化建设领域,也有很多的做法与经验值得推广。毫无疑问,深圳是一座独具文化魅力的城市。这里公共文化服务网络完善,文化设施数量众多、品质一流,具有丰富的城市人文精神。深圳文化产业发展迅猛,多年来保持着15%以上的增速,2011年实现增加值875亿元,年增长率达20.5%,产业规模、增长速度均居中国大城市前列,目前正朝着 “Look at Beijing for a thousand years, look at Shanghai in a hundred years, look at Shenzhen in thirty years.” Mention Shenzhen, the seaside city in southern China, the first experimental field for China’s reform, and the first window of China’s opening to the outside world This hot spot brings together the world’s attention. In the same way, there are many practices and experiences worthy of promotion in the field of cultural construction in Shenzhen. There is no doubt that Shenzhen is a unique cultural charm of the city. The public culture service network here is perfect, with a large number of cultural facilities, first-class quality and rich urban humane spirit. Shenzhen has witnessed a rapid development of its cultural industry over the years, maintaining a growth rate of 15% or more. In 2011, it achieved an added value of 87.5 billion yuan with an annual growth rate of 20.5%. Its scale of industry and its growth rate rank among the largest cities in China.
In 2009, the Ministry of Culture of China initiated a cooperation mechanism between the central and local levels, with an objective to promote cultural exchange
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