中耳里有三个听骨,砧骨、鎚骨和镫骨。此三骨之檢查对耳科臨床有一定的价植,但在一般的X綫投照位置上均少顯示。对于中耳小听骨X綫攝影在外文耳鼻喉科雜志上和美國技術雜志上僅提到二种投照法,卽Owen’s位和改良Owen’s位。 (一)Owen’s位:病人仰臥于X綫台上,球管中心X綫向足傾斜28°,片子放在枕下,头拍高10°,使下頜骨接近胸部,投照侧的面部和片子成40°,中心綫从檢查侧的外耳道出。
In the middle ear there are three ossicles, incus, malleus and stapes. The examination of these three aspects of the clinical otolaryngology have a certain price, but in the general location of the X-ray show less. For middle ear small bony X-ray photography in the ENT and the United States technology magazine only mentioned two kinds of projection method, 卽 Owen’s bit and improved Owen’s bit. (A) Owen’s position: the patient supine on the X-ray stage, the X-ray tube center foot tilted 28 °, the film on the suboccipital, head shot high 10 °, so that the mandible close to the chest, cast the side of the face and the film As 40 °, the center line from the examination of the external auditory canal out.