Comments and amendment proposals on the CMI Second Working Draft of Instrument on Recognition of For

来源 :海大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erhen
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This paper introduces the attitude of China Maritime Law Association( CMLA) towards the CMI’s drafting of the Instrument on Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships,i. e. CMLA supports the drafting the Instrument,expounds the basic principles to be followed in the Instrument, i. e., facilitating the international harmonization and unification of law,protecting the interests of the bona fide purchaser and protecting the interests of the interested persons. Some specific amendment proposals are put forward on the Second Working Draft of the Instrument on Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships regarding improvement of definitions,notice of judicial sale,effect of judicial sale,deregistration and registration of ship, recognition of judicial sale,circumstances in which recognition of judicial sale may be refused,and restricted recognition of judicial sale. This paper introduces the attitude of China Maritime Law Association (CMLA) towards the CMI’s drafting of the Instrument on Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships, ie CMLA supports the drafting the Instrument, expounds the basic principles to be followed in the Instrument, ie, facilitating the international harmonization and unification of law, protecting the interests of the bona fide purchaser and protecting the interests of the interested persons. Some specific amendment proposals are forward on the Second Working Draft of the Instrument on Recognition of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships regarding improvement of definitions, notice of judicial sale, effect of judicial sale, deregistration and registration of ship, recognition of judicial sale, where in recognition of judicial sale may be refused, and restricted recognition of judicial sale.
一位小学生 ,走访消防大队 ,翻阅火案记录 ,然后写成此稿投寄本刊 ,说要“唤醒”人们的防火意识。此举令人赞叹不已。这些年来 ,随着我省经济的快速发展 ,人们用火、用电、用
1.银本位制:指一种以银为本位货币制度。中国实行银本位制由清政府于宣统二年(1910年)4月颁行之《币制则例》始。1933年4月,国民党政府实行“废两改元”,公布《银本位币铸造条例》,铸行银本位币,规定以含银23.493448克之元为单位。1935年11月,又实行法币改革,银本位制遂告废止。  2.银两:指一种以银锭为主要形式的称量货币,始于两汉,盛于明清,清又见有实、虚银两之分。实银两指实际流通
摘要:在物理教学中,针对学生的个体差异,实施分层教学,构建多层次的物理课堂,既是学生自身具有的个体差异性决定的,也是物理学科本身的特点决定的.在本文中,笔者就结合高中物理学科特点,就如何在物理教学中实施分层教学提出了一些建议.  关键词:高中物理;学生差异;分层教学  一、对学生进行恰当分层  对学生进行恰当合理的分层是有效推动分层教学模式的第一个步骤,为了便于操作,在课堂教学中,把学生分成三个层
生命中没有导演,无法为自己的人生进行彩排。但我们可以是编剧,尽管每个人的生活都会是一本陈年旧账,但我们可以把它变成我们想要的体裁,那些风花雪月可以改编成诗歌,那些柴米油盐可以改编成散文,那些坎坷和灾难可以改编成小说,让你的人生时而像水一样流淌,悠闲而又充满诗意;时而又像山路一样跌宕起伏,峰回路转,柳暗花明。生活是一座杂乱无章的素材库,我们要做的,就是努力使自己成为一个优秀的编剧。  (朱成玉)
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