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1994年,兰州电机厂小发电机装配车间的范云霞当选为兰州市劳动模范,这荣誉对于范云霞是当之无愧的,也是对这名共产党员20多年的奋斗的一个小结。1969年,16岁的范云霞带着一脸的稚气走进了兰州电机厂的大门,被分配到小发电机装配车间绕线组。在班组里,她的吃苦耐劳和勤奋好学的个性赢得了师傅的赞赏。同时,老共产党员们认真负责的工作态度,视质量为生命的敬业精神也深深地扎根在她的心中。她暗暗下定决心。一定要以共产党员的标准要求自己,为兰电贡献自己的一切。自70年代起,她先后参加了无刷电机的试制、小发电机新产品的试制工作,绕制了耐振电机线圈,中频电机线圈,AEG 系列电机线圈,主轴电机线圈,中型电机线圈等工作号线圈。还绕制过检查科的变压器线圈及其它各种处理线圈。1990年,由于工作需要,范云霞由线圈车间调到 In 1994, Fan Yunxia, ​​a small generator assembly shop of Lanzhou Electric Machinery Factory, was elected a model worker of Lanzhou City. This honor is well-deserved for Fan Yunxia and is also a summary of the 20-year struggle for this Communist Party member. In 1969, the 16-year-old Fan Yunxia with a look of childish into the door of Lanzhou Electric Factory, was assigned to the small generator assembly shop winding group. In the team, her hard-working and studious personality won the praise of the teacher. At the same time, the serious and responsible working attitude of the old party members and their dedication to life are deeply rooted in her mind. She secretly determined. We must ask ourselves for the standards of communists and contribute everything for our own power. Since the 1970s, she has participated in trial production of brushless motors and trial production of new products for small generators. She has made work numbers such as vibration-resistant motor coils, intermediate frequency motor coils, AEG series motor coils, spindle motor coils and medium-sized motor coils Coil. Also wound through the inspection section of the transformer coil and other various processing coil. In 1990, due to work needs, Fan Yunxia transferred from the coil shop
企业投保范围内的财产发生理赔事宜的情况下,针对理赔过程中财产的不同类别,分别不同情况作出相应的账务处理。 Under the circumstance of claim settlement of assets wit
丫丫是班里年龄最小的小朋友,生活能力也是最弱的一个,吃饭要人喂,午睡时穿脱衣服都需要老师帮忙。本来年龄小照顾一下是应 Yaya is the youngest child in the class, the
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