
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whynot2009
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胆囊的良性肿瘤少见,我院1983年4月到1985年3月遇3例报告如下。例1女,31岁,1983年4月主诉右上腹部疼痛伴发烧2年入院。B超报告胆囊内可见密度增加,实体反射为2.1×1.8×1.8cm。诊断为“慢性胆囊炎胆囊内结石。于4月14日行胆囊切除总胆管切开引流术。术后发现胆囊底部粘膜有一2.5×2.5cm乳头状肿瘤,病理诊断:胆囊腺瘤伴局限性间变,慢性胆囊炎。例2 女55岁,1983年6月主诉右上腹部疼痛伴畏寒发烧10天、恶心、呕吐、黄疸入院。体检时触及肿大胆囊,(7×6cm)右上腹伴压痛及反跳痛、急诊行胆囊造瘘术。术后47天再次行胆囊切除,胆总管切开探查术;术中发现胆囊内有结石3枚,胆总管内有结石2枚。病理诊断:慢性胆囊炎呈急性发作,部分增生粘膜形成乳头状瘤。例3女43岁,1985年2月主诉右上腹闷胀不适1年入院。无腹痛、发烧及黄疸史。入院前B超发现胆囊占位性病变;3次胆道造影,胆囊显影均 The benign tumors of the gallbladder are rare. In our hospital from April 1983 to March 1985, 3 cases were reported as follows. Example 1 Female, 31 years old, in April 1983 complained of pain in the right upper quadrant with fever and hospitalized for 2 years. B-ultrasound showed that the density in the gallbladder increased, and the solid reflex was 2.1 × 1.8 × 1.8 cm. The diagnosis was "Chronic cholecystitis gallstones in the gallbladder. On April 14, cholecystectomy and total bile duct incision and drainage were performed. A 2.5 x 2.5 cm papillary tumor was found on the bottom of the gallbladder. Pathological diagnosis: gallbladder adenoma with limitations Change, chronic cholecystitis Case 2 Female 55 years old, complained of pain in the right upper quadrant with chilly fever for 10 days, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice admitted to hospital in June 1983. The enlarged gallbladder was touched during physical examination, (7×6cm), right upper quadrant with tenderness And rebound tenderness, emergency gallbladder fistula surgery.After 47 days after the cholecystectomy, common bile duct exploration and exploration; gallbladder found in the gallbladder 3 stones, stones in the common bile duct 2. Pathological diagnosis: chronic Acute cholecystitis, some of the hyperplasia of the formation of papilloma mucosa.Example 3 Female 43 years old, in February 1985 complained of right upper abdomen bloating discomfort 1 year admitted to hospital.No abdominal pain, fever and history of jaundice.B-ultrasound before admission found gallbladder occupying Lesions; 3 cholangiography, gallbladder development
作者将多糖类溶液(简称PS,为dextran 40与Carboxymethylcellulose-Na 按14%、5%的比例溶解于生理盐水的粘稠液体)加入280mgI/ml 之 The authors added 280 mgI/ml of a pol
<正> 今年年初在德国报刊上又公布了关于前东德作家克·沃尔夫和海·米勒过去与国家安全部来往的档案材料,这无疑为本来由毕尔曼和安德森引起的关于作家与安全部关系的争论又添了一把火。《明镜》周刊第4期的文章《胆怯的玛格莱特》宣称,沃
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本文对我院1967.6~1981.12外科治疗的274例原发性肺癌(其中包括软组织恶性肿瘤6例)进行临床病理分析,着重讨论肺癌的组织学类型、病期与切除范围对预后的影响。 In this pap