
来源 :吉林医学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lee_liuyun02
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下丘脑综合征系由多种因素累及下丘脑所致的疾病。国内报告尚多,但由精神因素引发本病只有2例,现报告1例。 患者杨某,女,19岁,未婚,工人。1986年11月因学习压力大。成绩不理想,高考落榜致精神紧张,情绪低落,食欲不佳。继而又为追求苗条体形而自行节食,每日0—100g,最长达1周不进食,自服“七消丸”,体重由60Kg迅速下降,随后出现不可控制的阵发性贪食,每当心绪不佳时,表现出强烈的进食欲,最多一天进食500—1000g,辅加水果1500—2000g,食后感到腹部不适,通过压舌、按腹、服泄药排出,体重在1年内减少15kg,闭经8个月,阵夜间失眠、盗汗、头痛、全身乏力,易怒,无溢乳现象。既往健康。 查体:T:36.2℃,P:80/分,R:20次/分,Bp:12.0/8.0KPa。五官端正.眼球无突出,甲状腺未触及,乳腺外观正常,无溢乳,心肺未见异常,腹平软,肝脾未触及,肢端无肥大,神经系统检查未见异常。妇科肛查:子宫后位,稍小,双侧附件未触及肿物。 Hypothalamic syndrome is caused by a variety of factors involved in the hypothalamus of the disease. There are still many domestic reports, but only 2 cases are caused by mental factors and 1 case is reported now. Patient Yang, female, 19 years old, unmarried, worker. November 1986 because of the pressure of learning. Results are not satisfactory, the college entrance examination caused by stress, depression, poor appetite. And then for the pursuit of slim body shape and self-dieting, daily 0-100g, up to 1 week without eating, serving “Qixiang Wan”, body weight decreased rapidly from 60Kg, followed by uncontrollable paroxysmal bulimia, each When the mood is not good, showing a strong appetite, eating up to 500-1000g a day, supplemented with 1500-2000g of fruit, feeling abdominal discomfort after eating, by pressure tongue, abdominal distention, discharge, weight loss in 1 year 15kg, amenorrhea for 8 months, array night insomnia, night sweats, headache, malaise, irritability, no galactorrhea phenomenon. Past health. Examination: T: 36.2 ℃, P: 80 / min, R: 20 beats / min, Bp: 12.0 / 8.0KPa. No abnormality of the eye, the thyroid did not touch, the appearance of the breast normal, no galactorrhea, no abnormal heart and lung, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched, no hypertrophy of the limbs, no abnormal neurological examination. Gynecological anal check: posterior uterine, slightly smaller, bilateral attachment did not touch the tumor.
摘要:  目的:调查鼠疫宿主动物及媒介动物的数量及分布,为有效防治措施提供依据。方法:对监测鼠类及鼠蚤进行鉴定,进行鼠疫血清学监测。 结果:共捕获鼠类4种323只其中乌尔黄鼠为优势种。各类蚤(体蚤、洞干蚤)培养33组268匹 提取分离达乌尔黄鼠血清153份,鼠疫F1抗体均为阴性。结论:丰宁县未发现人间和动物间鼠疫疫情。  关键词:鼠疫;监测  【中图分类号】  R47 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号