
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjpabc123
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序言鼻中隔穿孔可分为病理穿孔及中隔矫正手术后穿孔二种,目前要求治疗的以后者为多。鼻中隔穿孔在空勤人员影响很大,往往因脓痂、鼻衂而不能飞行。我们知道鼻中隔在手术后,软骨及骨质已部分除去,两侧粘膜已紧密愈合,穿孔周围又大都形成瘢痕性薄膜,拉去按照教科书中所述,将周围粘膜剥离移动,而加以缝合,大部难以成功。即一时成功,常因缝合部分紧张过度,有的术后又行穿孔。鼻中隔穿孔的病例虽然不多,而修补手术颇感束手。最近采用Thiersch皮瓣修补穿孔数例,皆得成功。而且方法简单,值得提供同道参考。 Preface Nasal septum perforation can be divided into two types of pathological perforation and septal surgery after perforation, the current request for treatment of the latter as much. Perforation of the nasal septum in the flight crew a great influence, often due to pus scabies, epistaxis and can not fly. We know that the nasal septum after surgery, cartilage and bone have been partially removed, both sides of the mucous membrane has been closely healed around the perforation and most of the formation of cicatricial thin film, pull to remove the surrounding mucosa as described in the textbook, and to be sutured, large Department difficult to succeed. One-time success, often due to excessive tension in the suture, and some perforation after surgery. Although there are not many cases of perforation of the nasal septum, repair surgery is quite instructive. Thiersch flap recently used to repair the number of perforated cases, have been successful. And the method is simple, it is worth to provide fellow reference.
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人类的基本价值是正义、责任、和谐、同情和慈悲,自由的价值和公正的价值。当今世界,人们应该树立怎样的财富观,一个值得大家认真思考的问题。 The basic human values ​​
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