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大型复杂滑坡的复活变形机理研究,是目前滑坡地质灾害研究热点之一。针对恩施地区典型大型复杂滑坡-保扎滑坡,在系统研究其工程地质条件的基础上,分析了该滑坡的形成机制。建立二维计算模型,利用Flac软件,依据钻孔位移监测数据,通过位移反分析反演岩土体参数。对滑坡天然状态、河流不同下切深度进行了三种工况的模拟分析,结果表明:①保扎滑坡为牵引式滑坡。滑坡发育于志留系易滑岩组,滑坡形成的诱发因素是前缘老沟河的不断侵蚀下切与掏蚀,滑塌变形不断向中后部发展,从而引发整体滑动。②目前影响保扎滑坡变形与稳定性的主要因素为滑坡前缘河流下切及降雨;③保扎滑坡目前处于整体稳定状态。随着河流下切深度的增加,该滑坡将产生渐进式牵引破坏。建议对滑坡前缘进行治理。 Research on the mechanism of resurrection and deformation of large and complex landslides is one of the hot spots in the research of landslide geological disasters. Aiming at the Baozha landslide, a typical large-scale complex landslide in Enshi, the formation mechanism of the landslide is analyzed on the basis of systematically studying its engineering geological conditions. The two-dimensional calculation model is established. By using Flac software, the data of borehole displacement monitoring are retrieved and the parameters of rock and soil are retrieved by displacement back analysis. Three natural conditions of the landslide and the different cutting depth of the river are simulated and analyzed. The results show that: ① Bazha landslide is a traction landslide. The landslide developed in the Silurian-Yi-slip rock formation. The predisposing factor for landslide formation is the cutting and undercutting of the continuous erosion of the Laogougou River. The slip-deformation continues to develop towards the middle and rear, thus causing the whole slide. At present, the main factors that affect the deformation and stability of Baza landslide are undercutting and rainfall of landslide front rivers; (3) Bazha landslide is in an overall stable state at present. As the river depth increases, the landslide will produce progressive traction damage. It is advisable to treat the landslide front.
俄罗斯科学院远东研究所高级研究员科·弗·舍维廖夫在《远东问题》杂志2003年第3期上公布了尘封80年而无人知晓的宋庆龄写给孙中山的政治顾问M.鲍罗廷(1884 —1951)的七封函
近年来,随着我国医疗卫生事业的不断发展,国际医学健康领域出现了转化(或转换)医学(translational medicine)的新概念,即从病床旁到实验台(from bedside to bench,B to B),再从实验