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黄振磊同志生前曾任南宁市工商局高新分局企业登记注册科科长、市场巡查支队第一工商所所长、江南分局福建工商所所长。2005年5月20日晚,在连续多日的“食品放心工程”专项整治“零点行动”中, 黄振磊同志因劳累过度突发大面积脑出血,抢救无效,于5月26日殉职,年仅40 岁。黄振磊同志原籍广西贵港市东龙镇人, 2000年11月加入中国共产党。1984年7 月参加工作以来,扎根基层,忠实履行自己的职责,把“严格执法,一心为民;严于律己,一尘不染”作为自己的行为准则。他视工作为生命,把党的事业看得比泰山还重; 视人民为父母,把群众的利益看得比天还 During his lifetime, Comrade Huang Zhenlei was chief of the enterprise registration and registration section of the High-tech Branch of Nanning Trade and Industry Bureau and director of the first industrial and commercial department of the market inspection detachment and director of the Fujian Industrial and Commercial Office of Jiangnan Branch. On the night of May 20, 2005, in the “zero action” for the special rectification project of “Food Relief Project” for many consecutive days, Comrade Huang Zhenlei died of maladaptive work on May 26 40 years old. Comrade Huang Zhenlei was originally from Donglong Town, Guigang City, Guangxi Province. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in November 2000. Since he took part in the work in July 1984, he has taken root in the grassroots units and faithfully performed his duties, taking his code of conduct as “strictly enforcing the law and serving the people wholeheartedly; being strict with himself and being spotless”. He regarded his work as his life and saw the cause of the party even heavier than that of Mount Taishan. He regards the people as his parents and sees the interests of the masses better than the sky
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