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人民出版社为应廣大讀者的需要,即將出版一套中華人民共和國發展國民經济的第一个五年計劃圖解”。这套圖解用圖画的形式,比較全面地描繪了第一个五年計劃的任务和各項基本指标。圖表的中心明確,色彩鮮明,文字簡潔,給讀者以概括的深刻的印象。全套圖解包括圖表二十四張,是按照計劃文件順序編繪的。它的特點是:一、內容此较全面,它反映的我國五年計劃,是一个以社会主义工業化为主体的、國民經济各部門按比例發展的全面計劃,每張圖表在內容上照顧了彼此的联系,形成一个整体;二、中心明確,每圖一个中心,主要的計劃數字指标突出,可以一目了然地看懂它說明的是什麽;三、全套圖表以圖画为主,說明文字为副,作为学習五年計劃的通俗性的輔助讀物。 In order to meet the needs of readers, People’s Press is about to publish a set of illustrations of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the People’s Republic of China. "This set of illustrations uses pictures to describe the first five-year plan Of the task and the basic indicators.Chart of the chart is clear, colorful, concise text, giving the reader a general impression.A full set of illustrations, including a chart of twenty-four, is compiled according to the order of the planning documents.It is characterized by : I. The content is more comprehensive. It reflects the five-year plan of our country. It is a comprehensive plan with socialist industrialization as the main body and the proportional development of all branches of the national economy. Each charter takes care of each other’s links in content and forms A whole; Second, the center is clear, a map of each center, the main indicators of the number of outstanding projects, you can clearly understand what it shows; Third, the full set of charts to pictures, description of the text vice, as a learning five years Auxiliary reading of the program’s popularity.
随着SNS网站的兴起和SNS营销的盛行,高端汽车品牌找到了亲近大众消费者的新途径。 With the rise of SNS websites and the prevalence of SNS marketing, high-end car bra
患者 ,30岁。孕 1 1胎 ,其中 :孕产 6、剖宫产 1、药流 2、自然流 2。人流术后大出血 3h收入院 ,末次月经2 0 0 0年 6月 4日 ,停经 4 0d阴道流出咖啡样分泌物 ,量少 ,无腹痛 ,
Objective Establishing the research model of arterial endothelial cells in vitro. Methods By means of digesting and scraping, fetal bovine arterial endothelia
患者 ,女性 ,4 1岁。于 1 998年 1 1月在当地卫生院行人工流产术 ,术后反复出现下腹部及腰骶部疼痛 ,伴阴道大量排出腥臭液半年余 ,曾在外院经常服中草药及静点抗菌素药物治
目的 探讨产前诊断巨大胎儿的相关因素 ,减少并发症的发生。方法 对 82 6例巨大胎儿和同期分娩的81 6例出生体重
近年来由于对异位妊娠诊断手段的提高 ,在临床上一些未破裂型输卵管妊娠得到早期诊断 ,一些非手术的治疗方法也相继出现。本文应用氨甲喋呤静脉给药治疗早期输卵管妊娠 ,治愈
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该项目位于安徽省黄山市亚泰精细化工产业园,由黄山市亚泰精细化工产业园投资建设,本项目搬迁产能为年产环 The project is located in Yatai Fine Chemical Industry Park,
宫外孕患者,失血量大,病情危重,明确诊断后积极做手术前准备,边抗休克边手术。1 资料与方法11 一般资料患者64例,年龄20~49岁,平均366±753岁,体重40~70kg,平均585±848kg。静吸