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农业发展靠科技、科技进步靠人才,人才培养靠教育、这已成为广大农村干部的共识。农科教结合是农业和农村经济发展的必然之路、也顺应了广大农民致富奔小康的愿望,因而深得人心。坎山镇在农科教结合方面的做法是:首先成立了由镇长为组长、分管副镇长和成校校长为副组长,农科教等部门分管负责人为成员的有权威的农科教协调领导小组、使农科教各部门优化组合、形成合力。在具体工作中,则由成校牵头,真正做到“三统筹”。一是统筹 The development of agriculture depends on science and technology, the advancement of science and technology depends on education by talented people and personnel training, which has become the consensus of the majority of rural cadres. The combination of agriculture, science and education is the inevitable path for the development of agriculture and rural economy, and has also won the hearts of the majority of peasants in their desire to get well-off. Kanshan town in agricultural science and education combined approach is: first set up by the mayor as leader, in charge of deputy mayor and headmaster as deputy leader, agricultural education and other departments in charge of the members as the authority of the agricultural science and education coordination Leading group, to optimize the combination of agricultural science and education departments to form a joint force. In specific work, we should take the lead in becoming a school and truly achieve “three systems co-ordination.” First, co-ordination
本文介绍了使用最新 NetWare 5.X网络 OS将原 NetWare 3.1X、4.1X局域网服务器软、硬件 跨网(通过网络)无逢升级的必要性和可行性,并结合一个实例介绍了具体的操作方法。 This article describes using the
[本刊讯]南汇县教育局实施“112工程”(自1995年起,三年时间内在县成职教系统内建设10个重点专业或学科,造就10名学科带头人,培养 [News] Nanhui County Bureau of Educati
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