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作为衡量国家综合实力的指标之一,科技创新对推动国家先进制造业转型和升级改造具有深远的意义。为响应国家战略,国内各大企业、高校、研究所等掀起了一股科技创新的浪潮。近年来,不同形式的科技创新成果以科技论文的形式公之于众。据中国科学技术信息研究所统计,我国自2007年起,发表的期刊论文数量超过了美国,位居全球首位。但截至目前,国内各大企业科技论文创作数量所占比例甚微。受自身先天条件不足、相关政策贯彻不及时等因素影响,企业在发展过程中员工的科技论文创作之旅极为艰辛。本文将结合湖北华强科技有限责任公司发展过程中员工的科技论文创作文化培养,剖析企业发展与员工科技论文创作间的协同关系,以期找到两者间较为和谐的平衡点。 As one of the indicators to measure the overall strength of the country, scientific and technological innovation has far-reaching significance in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the state-advanced manufacturing industry. In response to the national strategy, major domestic enterprises, universities, research institutes and so set off a wave of technological innovation. In recent years, different forms of scientific and technological innovations have been made public in the form of scientific papers. According to the statistics of China Science and Technology Information Institute, China has surpassed the United States in the number of journal articles published since 2007, ranking the first in the world. However, as of now, the proportion of scientific and technological papers produced by major domestic enterprises accounts for only a small proportion. Due to their inherent deficiencies, the relevant policies are not implemented in time and other factors, the development of enterprises in the process of staff writing scientific and technical papers extremely difficult. This article will combine Hubei Huaqiang technology limited liability company in the process of development of scientific and technological staff writing essay culture, analysis of business development and staff collaborative relationship between scientific and technological papers, in order to find a more harmonious balance between the two points.
青春,是美丽的,亦是懵懂的。面对青春期身体和心理的成长变化,很多青少年不知如何应对,而家长也忽视了对这个关键时期孩子的关爱与教育,导致很多悲剧发生。但是面对青春期孩子健康教育,很多家长不知怎么做,因此,从本期开始,我们将开设“青春寄语”栏目,帮助更多家长了解青春期孩子,传播青春健康知识,助力青少年身心健康成长!  晓然的故事  最近,学校组织学生们出游,这可是孩子们盼望已久的。周五下午放学回家,晓
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[摘 要] 建立党建质量管理体系是促进民办高校发展的需要,先进的管理理念和科学的管理方法植入民办高校党建工作是有必要的。将ISO9000管理标准理念引入民办高校党建质量管理体系,有利于增强党建工作的规范性和有效性,同时消除随意性,有利于进一步增强民办高校内部党员的凝聚力,有利于更好地促进党建工作的发展和进步。  [关 键 词] 质量管理;民办高校党建工作;ISO9000管理理念  [中图
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