看京戏,常常为一些精彩的场面叹赏不已。一句荡气回肠的声调,一个优美难能的身段,一场迅如风雷的开打,等等,都足以使我们拍案叫绝,三日难忘,得到艺术欣赏的高度享受。但是,看了很多京戏,都是很好的演出,却极少得到像看《万水千山》或《屈原》时那种情不由己、衷心感动、与剧中人物共同呼吸,沉入到剧中世界的感受。这是什么道理呢? 艺术的最高目的是让观赏者站在艺术创造的圈子旁边,冷静地评头论足,就像欣赏一件古董一样呢;还是应该“引人入胜”,使观赏者在情绪上激动起来,从而在潜移默化中,得到思想上、情操上的提高呢?我以为是后者。那么京剧的这种现象是京剧艺术自身的局限性问
See Beijing Opera, often for some wonderful scenes endless. A soul-stirring tone, a graceful and difficult figure, a thunderbolt quickly hit, and so on, are enough to make us make a fate, unforgettable on the 3rd, enjoy the enjoyment of art. However, seeing a lot of Peking opera, are very good performances, but rarely get like watching thousands of miles or Qu Yuan, when you can not help but be touched, with the characters to breathe, sink into the play world Feeling. What is the reason? The supreme purpose of art is to let the viewer stand beside the circle of art creation, calmly comment on the foot, just like enjoying an antique, or should “catchy” to make the viewer emotionally excited, So subtly, get the ideological, sentimental improvement? I think it is the latter. So this phenomenon of Peking Opera is the limitation of Peking opera itself