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一、发生情况 一字纹稻苞虫(Parnara gut-tata)在粤北地区每年发生5—6个迭置世代。越冬幼虫一般在3、4月间化蛹羽化,成虫多产卵于荒塘、水圳边的杂草上。少数产卵于早造秧田,羽化较迟的亦有产卵于早造本田的。第一代主要为害油草。第二代在早造本田,但为害较轻微,坑、圳边油草及晚造秧田亦有分布。第三代除小部分为害早造迟熟水稻及晚造秧苗外,大部分栖息于水坑边、塘边油草上。晚造水稻移植后,适值第四代发生,又群集为害,是水稻被 First, the occurrence of a word pattern of rice shell insects (Parnara gut-tata) in northern Guangdong occur 5-6 overlapping generations each generation. Overwintering larvae generally pupate eclosion during March and April, adults lay eggs in the shortage of ponds, water side of the weeds. A small number of spawning early in the seedling field, feather later also spawned in the early made Honda. The first generation of main damage to the oil grass. The second generation of Honda in the early make, but less damaging, pit, side edge of the oil grass and late seedling also distributed. In addition to a small part of the third generation of victims as early as the late-made rice and late seedlings, most of the habitat in the puddles, ponds on the oil grass. Late rice made after transplantation, the fourth generation of fitness value occurs, and cluster damage, is rice
目前 ,全球死亡人数中几乎 1 / 3死于心血管疾病 ,其中 77%发生在发展中国家。全球43 %的疾病负担是由其他非传染性疾病所致 ,如Ⅱ型糖尿病和抑郁症等 ,其中 85%发生在发展中
红铃虫 Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders是我国棉花生产上的重要害虫,近年来研究表明在北部棉区作好越冬防治是消灭虫害的重要措施。本试验目的,为利用红外线辐射处理越
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在小地老虎幼虫三龄以前突击用药,是防治小地老虎的关键时期,但一、二龄幼虫在田间极不易发现。因此,必须作好测报工作,准确掌握虫情。 一、虫情观察围预报:在容易发生小地