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俄罗斯是世界上重要的一极,被称为“双头鹰”:一头盯着东方,一头盯着西方。从建国伊始,俄罗斯领土一直在不断地扩张,成立了横跨欧亚的大国,有赖于其有一支强大的军队。现在的俄罗斯联邦武装力量,建立于1992年5月7日,继承了彼得大帝俄罗斯帝国军队的血脉,保留了冷战时期苏联军队的基因。成立20余年来,俄罗斯武装力量顺应新军事革命的需求,不断地进行着自我革新,俄罗斯军队的改革步伐从建军之始就从未停止过,理顺指挥体制,完善军事学说,优化院校体系,2015年又成立了世界上独一无二的空天军,恢复了其他国 Russia is one of the most important poles in the world. It is called “double-headed eagle”: staring into the east and staring into the west. From the very beginning of the founding of New China, the territory of Russia has been constantly expanding. The establishment of a large nation across Europe and Asia depends on its having a strong army. The present Russian Federation Armed Forces, established on May 7, 1992, inherited the blood of the Russian imperial army of Peter the Great and preserved the genes of the Soviet army during the Cold War. In the 20 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Armed Forces have followed the demands of the new military revolution and constantly carried out self-renovation. The pace of the Russian military’s reform never stopped before the founding of the army, straightening out the command system, improving the military doctrine and optimizing the institutions System, the world’s unique space force was established in 2015, restoring to other countries
综合消息:英国传媒巨擘 Pear-son 公司的教育分公司 FT Knowl-edge最近宣布将以 9000万美元收购美国在线的教育分公司ForumCorp,将服务领域扩展到网上教育市场。 FT Knowl edge 公司发言人称这次收购计划是该公司向成为全球
商品流通市场化是我国经济体制改革的重要内容。从经济运行的角度来说 ,商品流通市场化主要包括所有制结构、价格机制、市场主体运行方式、资源配置、管理方式和调节手段等多
Human pressure on mountain resources poses certain threats to their natural and man-made environment. Although there are many parameters involved, one of the dr
1994年 ,忻州市蜜蜂学会在政府和社会各界的支持下正式挂牌成立 ,成为我市养蜂界的一件大事。学会成立前 ,忻州养蜂业被视为闲散产业 ,一直运用传统的落后饲养方式 ,蜂种退化 ,产
“Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a rich,vivid,layered,para-doxical,and problematic novella or long tale.It has proved to be a-head of its time.”(Stape 45) how