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目的分析三氮唑席夫碱衍生物(LH-37)诱导人肝癌细胞(SMMC-7721细胞)自相残的形态特征。方法1×104/ml个SMMC-7721细胞,培养在含1×10-5mol/LLH-37的培养液内24h、48h,巴氏、瑞氏染色分析细胞结构,免疫细胞化学方法观察激活型Caspase阳性细胞,透射电镜观察自相残细胞超微结构。结果常规显微镜下可见自相残的细胞表现为一个细胞被另一个细胞完全包裹,一些被邻近大细胞内在化的细胞由较大的囊泡包裹。LH-37作用SMMC-7721细胞48h,自相残细胞达5.23%,对照组为0.47%,大部分被包裹的小细胞表现为激活型Caspase-3阳性。LH-37作用24h,透射电镜下可见被大细胞包裹的小细胞呈现活细胞特征,至48h,被包裹的小细胞降解甚至只剩下残片。结论LH-37能够诱导人肝癌细胞自相残。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the morphological characteristics of spontaneous disruption of human hepatocellular carcinoma (SMMC-7721) cells induced by triazole-Schiff base derivative (LH-37). Methods Cells were cultured in a medium containing 1 × 10-5 mol / L LL-37 for 1 × 10 4 / ml SMMC-7721 cells for 24 h and 48 h respectively. The cell structure was analyzed by Papanicolaou Wright staining and activated caspase Positive cells and transmission electron microscope were used to observe the ultrastructure of autologous cells. Results The conventional microscope showed that self-residual cells showed one cell completely encapsulated by another cell and some cells internalized by adjacent large cells were surrounded by larger vesicles. LH-37 cells SMMC-7721 cells 48h, autologous residual cells reached 5.23%, the control group was 0.47%, most of the small parcel cells showed active Caspase-3 positive. After treated with LH-37 for 24 hours, the small cells covered by large cells showed the characteristics of viable cells under transmission electron microscope. After 48 hours, the small cells that were encapsulated were degraded or even remained. Conclusion LH-37 can induce self-destruction of human hepatoma cells.
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