我获识上条信山先生,大约已有二十年了。他的书法艺术刚健雄强,熔金铸石,已使我心折服,尤其他的道义品德,更使我无限钦佩! 信山先生是近代日本诗文书法大家宫岛詠士先生的入室弟子。宫岛詠士先生在中国受到文学书法先师张廉卿先生的传授,他们师生的感情和动人的行谊,早已流传於中日两国文坛艺苑中间,成为可歌的佳话。信山先生从宫岛詠士先师那里得到的又不仅止是文学书艺,而这种尊师重道的高谊,又深深地教导了我们两国的后进之士。他在中国保定莲池书院为两位先师立了丰碑,这碑石的坚实,也
I got to know Mr. Hill, about twenty years ago. His calligraphic art is strong and powerful, and he has made me admire merit. In particular, his moral character has made me infinitely admire! Mr. Shinmaki is a disciple of Mr. Miyazaki, a modern Japanese poetic literary method. Mr. Miyajima Miyazaki was taught in China by Mr. Zhang Lianqing, a pioneer of literary calligraphy. The feelings and touching deeds of their teachers and students have long been circulated among the cultural centers of Chinese and Japanese literary circles and become epic stories. Mr. ShinShin received from Miyazaki’s Yasushi Shibuya not only the literary and art work, but this high respect for teachers and high Yi, but also deeply taught the enterprising of our two countries. He established a monument for the two teachers in the Baoding Lotus Pond in Baoding, China. This monument is also solid