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中国近代货币制度复杂紊乱,虽然明清时期确立白银为主要货币,但是银两、银元并行,持续达数百年之久。大宗国内贸易、所有进出口贸易和国内外汇兑使用银两,日常对内小额收付和零星买卖使用银元,两元之间换算繁琐,加之各地货币和度量衡不统一,银两、银元形制各异,造成国内外贸易往来极为不便,严重制约了近代中国的经济发展。民间废两用元呼声由来已久,直至1933年,南京国民政府终于下定决心实行废两改元,统一货币流通,以新铸银元逐步取代银两和旧银元,3月10日起先在上海一地施行,进而自4月6日起在全国范围推行。废两改元是中国金融近代化历程中具有重要意义的一次币制改革。作为上海本国银行业的代言人,上海银行公会(1931年10月1日起改组为上海市银行业同业公会)对废两改元向持积极态度,在与有关方面的往来交涉过程中形成了不少函电,现择要分期公布。本期刊载之档案日期截至1933年4月4日止。选自上海市银行商业同业公会档案全宗,案卷号S173-1-86,选编者何品。 Although the monetary system in China was complicated and disorderly, although silver was the main currency during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the two silver and silver coins were in parallel and lasted for hundreds of years. Large domestic trade, all import and export trade and the domestic and foreign exchange use of silver two, daily small domestic payment and purchase and sale of silver use silver, cumbersome conversion between two yuan, together with the currency and measurement is not uniform, silver, silver dollar different shapes, As a result, it is extremely inconvenient to trade at home and abroad and seriously hampered the economic development in modern China. Private waste dual-use element voice has a long history, until 1933, the Nanjing National Government finally decided to implement the waste two reform yuan, unified currency circulation, the new cast silver gradually replace the silver two and the old silver dollar, March 10 at the first implementation in Shanghai , And then from April 6 nationwide implementation. The reform of the two taxes is a monetary reform of great significance in the process of China’s financial modernization. As the spokesman for Shanghai’s domestic banking industry, the Shanghai Banking Association (reorganized into the Shanghai Banking Association with effect from October 1, 1931) held a positive attitude toward the abolition of the two reforms and formed a large number of correspondence during the negotiation with relevant parties , Is now scheduled to be released. This issue of the file date as of April 4, 1933 only. Selected from the Shanghai Commercial Bank Association of the Fonds case file, case No. S173-1-86, selected editor who products.
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