Information Extraction of Bionic Camera-Based Polarization Navigation Patterns Under Noisy Weather C

来源 :上海交通大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kage
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Light polarization is the phenomenon that describes the oscillations and orientations of the light waves.Polarized light is a source of substantial cue for navigation in many marine and land-dwelling animals.This work investigates the challenges of obtaining information regarding polarization under various conditions by observing the phenomenology of the ommatidium in many insects.Noisy conditions can be because of haze or the presence of clouds in the atmosphere.Aerosol molecules are greater in volume and scale in such atmospheric conditions.When sunlight crosses through these molecules of aerosol,its polarization information is distorted.The distorted patt has a little or no information on neutral points of light polarization.On the basis of the relationship between wavelength of sunlight and polarization,we propose a novel hue based color mixing (HBCM) model to calculate the polarization information and orientation information more accurately and robustly.This method improves the symmetries of polarization patts and eliminates the effect of noises.Symmetries of polarization patts are compared with red,green and blue (RGB) spectrum and these differences are quantified and compared especially under high noisy weather conditions.
城市污水处理厂产生的大量剩余污泥成为越来越严重的环境和社会问题。剩余污泥破解能够破坏污泥絮体结构及菌体胞壁,使絮体内有机物及菌体细胞内含物溶出,难降解的固体性物质向易降解的溶解性物质转变,从而实现污泥的减量化与资源化。高压喷射法(High-pressure Jet Flow, HPJF)破解污泥探索研究为本论文研究内容之一,从循环次数、喷射压力、靶距、污泥浓度(Mixed Liquor Suspe
粗木质残体(coarse woody debris,CWD)是直径≥2.5 cm的死木质物。大气N沉降增加会显著影响森林粗木质残体分解,但是目前相关研究较少。本文采用定位跟踪实测方法,比较分析施N对
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