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巨野石油公司经理段连瑞解放思想、锐意进取,抓管理、提效益、求生存、促发展,企业经济效益连年翻番。1997年完成销售收入14105万元,实现利税180万元,经济效益连续多年居全省县级石油公司排头兵前列。连续四年被省石油集团总公司评为省级先进油库,县里的荣誉称号更是数不胜数。巨野石油公司也由名不见经传的小企业,一跃成为齐鲁大地的一颗璀璨的企业新星。1988年,已过而立之年的段连瑞受命于危难之间,走马上任成了巨野石油公司的经理。当时国内石油流通市场企业大多数经营亏损。段连瑞审时度势,以战略家的眼光、理论家的谨慎和实干家的果决,决心开出一片市场,闯出一番事业,建立一个模式,创出一种特色。他坚信 Juye Oil Company manager Duan Lianrui emancipate the mind, forge ahead, grasp the management, mention benefits, to survive, promote development, double the economic efficiency of enterprises. In 1997, it achieved sales income of RMB14.105 million and profit tax of RMB1.8 million. For years in a row, its economic efficiency has been the forerunner of county-level oil companies in the province. For four consecutive years by the Provincial Petroleum Group Corporation as provincial-level advanced depot, the county’s honor is even more numerous. Juye Oil Company also by little-known small business, has become a bright star of the Qilu earth. In 1988, Duan Lianrui, who had been in full swing for a long time, was placed in jeopardy and took over as manager of Juye Oil Company. At that time, most domestic oil circulation market enterprises operating loss. Duan Lianrui review the situation, with a strategist’s perspective, theorist’s cautiousness and hard work, the determination of a determination to open up a market, break a career, to establish a model to create a characteristic. He firmly believes
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教学目标:   1.抓住特点,细致描写。   2.描述景物,层次分明。   3.情景交融,表达感情。   教学重点:抓住特点,细致描写。   教学难点:情景交融,表达感情。   一、前作文:未成曲调先有情   (一)话题交流,真情融汇:吹面不寒杨柳风   1.同学们,新学期开始了,春天也悄悄地来了,春姑娘用自己的巧手,打扮着迷人的春天,你们想看看吗?最好是能够看得仔细些,看完后给大家介绍介绍。  
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目的 :探讨咪唑类驱虫药致神经系统脱髓鞘疾病的临床特点。方法 :对 46例咪唑类驱虫药致神经系统脱髓鞘疾病患者的临床表现、CT和MRI特征及治疗进行回顾性分析。结果 :46例中
乙二醇单丁醚是一种很好的溶剂,还可用作石油破乳剂和乳化燃料的乳化剂成分。1942年 Cretcher 等用氯乙醇处理正丁醇钠制得了收率为30%的乙二醇单丁醚。此后相继有人提出了
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