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近年来,中国国有企业的经营绩效明显提高,一些学者认为,国有企业绩效提高的原因并非源自企业效率的提高,而主要来源于国有企业的垄断地位,这不利于民营企业和市场经济的发展,深化改革需要破除国有企业的垄断。这种观点在理论和事实上都是站不住脚的,因为:1.国有企业并不都是垄断企业。2.国有企业与垄断并没有直接关系。3.垄断是生产社会化发展的客观结果。4.我国国有企业经营绩效的改善并非主要来源于垄断。5.反垄断不是国有企业改革的首要任务。深化国有企业改革和促进国有企业的发展要警惕“国有企业垄断论”的误导,坚持和完善社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,进一步发挥国有经济的主导作用,做大做强国有企业,努力提高国有企业的国际竞争力。 In recent years, the operating performance of Chinese state-owned enterprises has obviously improved. Some scholars think that the reason for the improvement in the performance of state-owned enterprises does not come from the improvement of enterprise efficiency, but mainly from the monopoly position of state-owned enterprises, which is not conducive to the development of private enterprises and market economy To deepen the reform, we must eliminate the monopoly of state-owned enterprises. This view is untenable both theoretically and in fact because: 1. Not all state-owned enterprises are monopolies. 2. There is no direct relation between state-owned enterprises and monopoly. Monopoly is an objective result of the socialization of production. 4. The improvement of the performance of state-owned enterprises in our country does not come mainly from monopoly. 5. Antitrust is not the primary task of SOE reform. Deepen the Reform of State-owned Enterprises and Promote the Development of State-owned Enterprises Be vigilant against the misleading guidance of “monopoly of state-owned enterprises”, uphold and improve the basic economic system in the initial stage of socialism, further give play to the leading role of the state-owned economy, enlarge and strengthen state- Strive to improve the international competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.
6月19日 晴  在我的心中最美丽的就是我的校园。  春天,校园里的杨树生出嫩芽,小草露出了可愛的小脑袋,露珠在小草上蹦来蹦去,真是淘气。  夏天,绿油油的小草开放出美丽的花朵,榕树的叶子也渐渐长大,可以让我们乘凉。花坛里的月季花,争先恐后、色彩明艳地开放了,为我们的校园增添了无限生机。  秋天,天高云淡、秋高气爽,只可惜的是月季花大部分都枯萎了,杨树也开始落叶了,小草也没精打采的开始枯萎了。不过
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病历介绍魏××,男,19岁,住院号40163, 因突然四肢抽搐,数分钟后发作停止,出现讲话不清,口角偏右,左上肢无力,不能持物一天于86年2月7日第一次入院,起病前后无发烧头痛,无意
反射性癫痫(ReFlex epilepsy)又称感觉诱发性癲痫,是由多种病因的特异性刺激引起的突然发作性、暂时性脑功能紊乱。表现为癫痫样发作。各种年龄均可发生,新生儿期即可发病。