前进文工团:聚焦强军梦 贴心走军营

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2014年春节到来之际,沈阳军区政治部前进文工团“心贴心走军营”新年文艺服务小分队,承载着军区和政治部首长的关怀,怀揣着对强军梦想吹氧助燃的热情,踏着皑皑白雪,顶着凛冽寒风,来到了军区各部队训练场、野外冬训点和边海防哨所,把先进文化和欢歌笑语送给了执勤训练的一线官兵。小分队采取轻车简装、就近就便、交叉巡演的方式,先后演出18场,总行程3000余公里,慰问官兵近万人,受到基层部队的广泛赞誉。为了做好新年度第一轮下基层巡演工作,从去年12月份开始,前进文工团就和军区机关业务部门研究制订演出方案。为了充分发挥先进军事文化的浸润熏陶功能,使文艺演出催生战斗力生成。他们针对演出对象和场地情 On the occasion of the Spring Festival of 2014, the progressing art troupe of the Political Department of the Shenyang Military Region, the “New Year Literary and Art Service Quarterly with Heartwarfare”, carried the care of the leaders of the military region and the political department, carrying the passion for blowing oxygen and boosting the armed forces’ dreams. In the snow-capped, cold and windy, came to the military field training field, field training points and the edge of the winter post-guard posts, the advanced culture and singing and dancing to the frontline officers and men on duty training. The brigade took a light truck briefing, the nearest convenient, cross-tour way, has performed 18 games, the total trip 3,000 km, condolences to nearly 10,000 officers and soldiers, praised by grass-roots units. In order to make the first round of grassroots tour in the first round of the new year, from December last year, the Progressive Artifacts Research Institute has formulated a program for performance with the business departments of the military authorities. In order to give full play to the infiltration and influence of the advanced military culture, the performance of theatrical performances has given birth to the combat effectiveness. They target the performance objects and venue
本文从教学体系、教学对象、教学主体的队伍建设以及任职教育的完善和发展等四个方面予以探讨,力求为我军任职教育提供可以借鉴的经验。 This article discusses the teachi
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