
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssathena
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保护煤柱合理宽度(或停采位置)是确保地面重要设施长期稳定的关键。以山东某矿地面引水渠(“南水北调”工程组成部分)下不规则下山保护煤柱宽度设计为工程背景,首先,通过分析煤柱变形可能引起地面建(构)筑物的破坏方式,提出了控制长期高应力作用下冲击煤层煤柱变形的原则:1走向方向煤柱不发生冲击失稳破坏;2走向方向煤柱不发生煤体长时强度降低而导致的失稳破坏;3倾斜方向煤柱保持均匀变形,从而使地面不发生明显拉伸破坏。其次,依据煤柱上方覆岩空间结构形式,建立了煤柱应力估算模型,提出了保持煤柱长期稳定及地面建筑安全的煤柱设计方法。最后,应用研究成果,分析了工程案例的煤柱应力、围岩稳定性和变形特征,并对该引水渠工程和井下开采设计进行了安全评估。该研究成果对类似开采条件下的保护煤柱宽度确定具有指导意义。 Protecting the reasonable width of pillars (or stopping the mining position) is the key to ensuring the long-term stability of important ground facilities. Taking the design of the width of coal pillar under irregular downhill under the diversion channel of a mine in Shandong Province (“South-North Water Diversion Project”) as an engineering background, firstly, by analyzing the deformation of coal pillar, it may cause damage to the ground- Proposed to control the long-term high-stress coal seam under the impact of the principle of deformation: 1 to the direction of the coal pillar does not occur impact instability damage; 2 to the direction of the coal pillar does not occur when the long-term strength of the coal to reduce the failure of the instability; 3 tilt The direction of pillar to maintain uniform deformation, so that the ground does not occur significant tensile damage. Secondly, based on the spatial structure of the overlying strata of coal pillar, a stress model of coal pillar is established, and a coal pillar design method is proposed to maintain long-term stability of coal pillar and ground construction safety. Finally, the research results are used to analyze the coal pillar stress, the stability of surrounding rock and the deformation characteristics of the project case, and the safety assessment of the diversion canal project and the underground mining design are carried out. The results of this study are of guiding significance in determining the width of coal pillar under similar mining conditions.
本研究以 17个杂交水稻亲本、3个新株型株系和 2 4个光壳稻、爪哇稻品种为DNA样品来源 ,通过RFLP(限制性片段长度多态性 ,RestrictionFragmentLengthPolymorphism ,简称RFLP)
20 0 0年 5月 31日 ,文锦渡检验检疫局从来自美国的加拿利海枣中检出棕榈核小蠹Coc cortrypesdactyliperda(F .)。 6月 2 2日 ,该局在对来自澳大利亚的加拿利海枣检疫时 ,再次截获此害虫。 2 0 0 0年 6
1999年 1 2月到 2 0 0 0年 8月 ,辽宁局植检处已检验检疫进口榨油用商品大豆 2 7船次 ,1 42万余t ,创历年进口大豆的最高水平。其中 ,来自美国的 2号黄大豆 1 7船次 90余万t,有