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我和七叔初次见面是在1957年初夏。七叔 当时任湖南省委常务书记,我上初中时,七叔回 老家,两辆车停在院里未见七叔,不一会儿,庄头 有人喊“七爹回来了!”我们跑到庄头一看,七叔 骑着自行车,身穿白褂子、灰裤子、黑布鞋,飞快 到了家院,全庄老小都来看望七叔……我母亲在 做饭,正在烧火,七叔见了我母亲叫:“二嫂,你 给我烧个稖头吃吃。”我去园里掰稖头,回来用 铁棍插上,放到锅底下烧。不一会儿七叔过来将 烧熟的稖头取出来,用手合起来拍拍灰,把两个 稖头都吃了。我们小孩,在院内看汽车,一辆中吉 普,车上挂着卡宾枪、手枪等武器,是江苏省公安 厅护送来家的。另有一辆轿车停 My first meeting with Qishu was in the early summer of 1957. Seven uncle was then the Hunan Provincial Party Committee secretary, when I was in junior high school, seven uncle back home, two cars parked in the hospital no seven uncle, a moment later, Zhuangtou someone shouting, “Seven dad back!” We ran to the first A look, the seven uncle riding a bicycle, wearing a white gown, gray pants, black cloth shoes, quickly came to the hospital, all the old village to visit Qitou ... ... my mother is cooking, burning fire, Qishu met me My mother said: “Sister, you give me a boil.” I went to the park to bury my head, come back with an iron stick and put it into the pot and burn it. In a matter of time, Qiushi Tushu came and took out the cooked boil, and patted the ash together by hand and ate both boils. Our children, in the hospital to see the car, a jeep, car carbines, pistols and other weapons, is escorted by the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department to come home. Another car stopped
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