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根据中国-欧盟世贸项目(二期)安排,经总局领导批准,2013年7月7日至20日,竞争执法局组织内蒙、辽宁、上海、苏州、福建、山东、四川、新疆、西藏等省区市工商机关竞争执法系统业务处长和执法骨干,赴比利时参加中欧世贸项目框架内的反垄断专题研讨会。研讨会全面系统地介绍了欧盟竞争法的实施机构、法律渊源、内容规定等内容,经代表团成员认真梳理研究,形成了本文。 According to the arrangement of China-EU World Trade Project (Phase II) and approved by the leadership of the General Administration of China, from July 7 to July 20, 2013, the Competition Enforcement Administration organized the provinces of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shanghai, Suzhou, Fujian, Shandong, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Tibet District business administration competition law enforcement system business director and law enforcement backbone to go to Belgium to participate in the Sino-EU trade project within the framework of antitrust symposium. The seminar comprehensively and systematically introduced the implementing agencies, sources of law and content provisions of the EU competition law. After the delegation members conscientiously studied and formed this article.
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最近,四川省安县人武部党委在机关人员中广泛开展学习《邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论学习纲要》的活动。学习中,紧紧抓住什么是社会主义和怎样 Recently, the Par
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针对人武部当前面临的新情况,8月25日,贵州桐梓县委书记范烨、县长李再勇亲临县人武部组织召开座谈会,与干部职工亲切交谈,做稳定的思想工作,使干部职工很受教育和鼓舞。 会