我们听惯了这样一些“教诲”,如“蔬菜有益于健康”啦、“体育运动延年益寿”啦、“绿色保护眼睛”啦……当然,这些保健观点确有一定道理,结合自身情况加以运用也无可非议。不过,切忌将它们视为不可动摇的“金科玉律”,否则就有走向反面的危险。道理很简单,事物在发展,人类认识在深化,昨天认为正确的东西很可能在今天就成了谬误,所谓“觉今是而昨非”也!比如,以下种种“另类”说法就值得你思考—— ■蔬菜多多益善吗?
We are accustomed to such “teachings” such as “vegetables are good for health”, “sports live longer”, “green eye protection” ... Of course, these health care points do have some truth and are used in combination with their own situation Undisputed. However, they should not be regarded as unshakable “golden rule”, otherwise there is the danger of going negative. The reason is very simple, things are developing, human understanding is deepening, and what was considered yesterday as correct is likely to become a fallacy today. The so-called “feel this is not Yesterday” also! For example, the following “alternative” is worth thinking about - ■ vegetables are more good?