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【目的】分析轮伐中期施肥处理对湿地松Pinus elliottii半同胞家系生长的影响,比较磷肥与石灰的肥效差异。【方法】对13年生的湿地松半同胞子代测定林设置氮钾(对照)、氮钾+钙镁磷肥、氮钾+石灰3种施肥处理,分析了土壤和针叶的养分以及湿地松生长性状。【结果】轮伐中期施肥对株高、胸径及单株材积均有显著性影响,处理与家系的互作效应不显著。与对照相比,钙镁磷肥和石灰均促进了株高的生长,分别提高37.1%和29.5%;石灰可以促进材积增量,与对照相比,材积增量提高了22.5%,且石灰处理的胸径增长高于钙镁磷肥处理。【结论】轮伐中期可通过追施氮钾+石灰增加湿地松出材量;石灰对湿地松生长的促进可能与磷有关,与钙无关。 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of mid-rotation fertilization on the growth of Pinus elliottii half-sib families and to compare the fertilizer efficiency of phosphate fertilizer and lime. 【Method】 Nitrogen and potassium (control), N, K + Ca, Mg and P fertilizers, nitrogen, potassium and lime fertilizers were applied to the 13-year-old Chinese pine sibling progeny. The nutrient contents of soil and needle and the growth of Pinus elliottii Traits. 【Result】 The results showed that mid-rotation fertilization had significant effects on plant height, DBH and single plant volume, and the interaction between treatment and pedigree was not significant. Compared with the control, calcium magnesium phosphate and lime both promoted the plant height growth by 37.1% and 29.5%, respectively. Lime promoted the volume increment, and the volume increment increased by 22.5% compared with the control, and lime treatment DBH increased higher than that of Ca, Mg and P treatments. 【Conclusion】 The yield of Pinus elliottii could be increased by topdressing nitrogen, potassium and lime in the middle of rotation. The growth of Pinus elliottii with lime may be related to phosphorus, but not with calcium.
<正> 以赵朴初会长为团长的中国佛教代表团一行7人,应日本天台宗座主、“日本宗教代表者会议”名誉议长山田惠谛长老的邀请,于8月1日前往日本参加比睿山开山1200年庆典和比睿