Active source monitoring at the Wenchuan fault zone:coseismic velocity change associated with afters

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjg760623
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With the improvement of seismic observation system, more and more observations indicate that earthquakes may cause seismic velocity change. However, the amplitude and spatial distribution of the velocity variation remains a controversial issue. Recent active source monitoring carried out adjacent to Wenchuan Fault Scientific Drilling(WFSD) revealed unambiguous coseismic velocity change associated with a local Ms5.5 earthquake. Here, we carry out forward modeling using two-dimensional spectral element method to further investigate the amplitude and spatial distribution of observed velocity change. The model is well constrained by results from seismic reflection and WFSD coring. Our model strongly suggests that the observed coseismic velocity change is localized within the fault zone with width of *120 m rather than dynamic strong ground shaking. And a velocity decrease of *2.0 %within the fault zone is required to fit the observed travel time delay distribution, which coincides with rock mechanical experiment and theoretical modeling. However, the amplitude and spatial distribution of the velocity variation remains a controversial issue. Recent active source monitoring carried out adjacent to Wenchuan Fault Scientific Drilling ( W, Wend out of forward modeling using two-dimensional spectral element method to further investigate the amplitude and spatial distribution of observed velocity change. The model is well constrained by results from seismic reflection and WFSD coring. Our model strongly suggests that the observed coseismic velocity change is localized within the fault zone with width of * 120 m rather than dynamic strong ground shaking. And a velocity decrease of * 2.0% within the fault zone is required to fit the observed travel time delay distribution, which coincides with roc k mechanical experiment and theoretical modeling.
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