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行为医学涉及到心理学和医学的许多方面,但人们经常疏忽情绪的行为学。不良情绪不仅诱发心身疾病,也是几乎所有心理疾病的病因所在。文中对百年来情绪的行为学研究进行了简单的回顾,总结了最有影响力的情绪行为学观点。比如情绪是一种行为倾向,目的是建立、保持或破坏个体和外界环境关系。这种行为倾向不仅仅是要产生某些行为,而且要达到某种目的,完成情绪需要,这也是情绪行为的特点。不同的情绪会引起不同的行为,比如,愤怒是要攻击的行为倾向,恐惧是要把自己和危险事物分开的趋向。因此根据不同的行为趋向,可以分出不同的基本情绪。在总结最近最有知名度的心理学家的基本情绪理论的基础上,我们提出了一种新的情绪结构,提出人的情绪来自于对外界事物的评价:是否符合个体的需要(是否喜欢),和如何符合个体的需要(是否符合预期)。根据这些评价,人类产生五种基本情绪:喜、怒、哀、思、恐。其中,愤怒和恐惧乃孪生兄弟,它们可以互相转换,恐惧可以导致愤怒,愤怒是恐惧的出口。最后,我们应用该情绪结构设想了一种心理治疗方式:以情胜情法,比如用愤怒治疗恐惧。 Behavioral medicine involves many aspects of psychology and medicine, but people often neglect emotional behavior. Bad mood not only induced psychosomatic disease, but also the cause of almost all psychological diseases. The article briefly reviews the hundred years of behavioral studies of emotion and summarizes the most influential sentiment perspectives. For example, emotion is a kind of behavioral tendency, the purpose is to establish, maintain or destroy the individual and the external environment. This kind of behavioral tendency is not only to produce certain behaviors, but also to achieve a certain purpose, to complete the emotional needs, which is also the characteristics of emotional behavior. Different emotions can lead to different behaviors. For example, anger is a behavioral tendency to attack, and fear is a tendency to separate itself from danger. Therefore, according to different trends in behavior, you can separate the different basic emotions. On the basis of summarizing the basic sentiment theory of recently-known psychologists, we propose a new emotional structure, and put forward that human emotion comes from the evaluation of external things: whether it meets the needs of the individual or not, And how to meet the needs of the individual (whether or not as expected). Based on these evaluations, humans have five basic emotions: hi, anger, sorrow, thoughts and fears. Among them, anger and fear are twin brothers, they can convert each other, fear can lead to anger, anger is a fearsome exit. Finally, we apply the structure of the emotions to envision a psychic approach: to love in a sentimental manner, such as treating anger with anger.
本文对引起小麦纹枯病的禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia cerealis Vander Hoeven)对15种常用杀菌剂的敏感性基线、小麦纹枯病化学防治药剂筛选、戊唑醇防治小麦纹枯病原理进行了研究。 禾谷丝核菌50个菌株对15种杀菌剂的敏感性水平的研究结果表明,禾谷丝核菌对不同杀菌剂的敏感性水平存在差异。在所测定的杀菌剂中,己唑醇、戊唑醇、适乐时、烯唑醇、甲基立枯磷对小麦纹枯病菌具有...
水稻稻瘟病[Magnaporthe grisea(Hebert)Barr.,无性态:Pyricularia grisea Sacc.,原称:Pyricularia oryzae Cav.]是世界性真菌病害,全球有80个国家发生,也是中国南北稻区危害最