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如今,企业的一举一动都逃不过市场的明察秋毫,一招不慎,就会被市场亮红灯,让企业自个儿难过.企业当然是考生,而主考官就是市场.如果把市场经济比作海浪,那么企业就如同冲浪者,必须依靠海浪的起伏来前进,当随着海浪的一次起伏降到最低点时,必须毫不松懈,稳住步伐,才能更好地冲向下一个高峰.有人把这个变化无常的市场称做“魔鬼市场”.像云雾,飘浮不定;像小路,曲折离奇;像渔网,千头万绪;像大海,深不可测;像高山,难以瞰尽.总之,它像一个谜,让人觉得困惑. Nowadays, every move of a company can’t escape the market’s lucidity. If a move is inadvertent, it will be red lighted by the market and make the company feel sad. The company is, of course, an examinee, and the examiner is the market. If you compare the market economy to the waves , then companies are like surfers. They must rely on the ups and downs of the waves to advance. When the wave rises and falls to the lowest point, it must be done without slackening and stabilizing the pace in order to better rush to the next peak. This fickle market is called the “Devil Market.” Like clouds and fog, it is fluctuating; it is like a small road, it is bizarre; it looks like a fishing net; it’s like a sea; it’s unpredictable; like a mountain, it’s hard to see. In short, it’s like A puzzle is confusing.
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