十年河东 十年河西 大明星同新闻界频生龃龉

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采访尼克·诺尔蒂的过程进行得颇为顺利。这位好莱坞银幕偶像是在拍完一天的戏后与记者会晤的。他们一连谈了好几个钟头,用记者的话来形容,当时气氛融洽,彼此谈得十分投机。采访完毕后,女记者挎着那只装满笔记和录音磁带的手提包,一溜烟地跑会旅馆,接着满意地怀着大功告成的心情上床就寝。然而,此时此刻的诺尔蒂,却另有一番滋味在心头。等采访一结束,他随即接通了那位女记者供职的《名利场》杂志社的电话,取消由著名摄影师安妮·莱博维茨前来为他拍摄那帧预定次日早晨见报的照片的安排,“得了罢,”据说他在电话里这么表态,“刚才采访的东西统统作废。” The process of interviewing Nick Nolti went well. The Hollywood screen idol met with reporters after a day of filming. They spoke for several hours in a row, using the words of the reporters to describe the time being harmonious and very speculative about each other. After the interview, the female reporter left his handbag, full of notes and tapes, and ran to the hotel in a flash, then went to bed with satisfaction and with great accomplishment. However, Nolti at this moment, but there is another taste in my heart. As soon as the interview was over, he immediately called the Vanity Fair, a female correspondent, and canceled the photo by renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz on his next morning newspaper Arrangements, “Got it,” he said on the phone so stance, “just interviewed all the things void.”
【Abstract】This paper illustrates problems about the format and reference in composing an English dissertation. Some analysis of these issue will be dealt with from different perspectives, such as, how