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随着国际贸易间的往来互动,品牌的国际影响力也逐渐扩大。品牌名称语言的转变成为所有跨界企业亟待解决的问题。在全球化进程中,许多公司最急需的是给产品赋予一个好的译名,因此产品命名受到广泛关注。本文主要对一些翻译原则进行一些简略分析。工业革命之后,世界发生了巨大的变化,这种变化在商业领域尤其显著。想要经受住全球化的考验,必须拥有最佳的市场战略。世界越来越全球化,国产商品必须将目光转向国际市场。因此,语言的转变成为所有跨国公司亟待解决的 With the interaction between international trade, the brand’s international influence gradually expanded. The transformation of the brand name language has become a pressing issue for all trans-boundary businesses. In the process of globalization, the most urgent need for many companies is to give the product a good translation, so product naming has received widespread attention. This article mainly analyzes some translation principles briefly. After the Industrial Revolution, the world has undergone tremendous changes, especially in the commercial arena. To withstand the test of globalization, we must have the best marketing strategy. As the world becomes more globalized, domestic products must turn their attention to the international market. Therefore, the transformation of language has become urgent for all multinational corporations
当坝基存在软弱夹层时,土坝的稳定分析通常采用“改良圆弧法”。改良圆弧法在确定抗滑力 P_n 时采用的力多边形与计算滑动力 P_a 所用的力多边形完全相同,这样做可使计算简
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本文简要介绍了挪威的自然地理条件,水电工程发展概况,水电工程建设的特点,以及挪威水电地下工程建设的经验。 This article briefly introduces the natural and geographi
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the most commonmalignancies in the world,responsible for an estimated onemillion deaths annually.It has a poor prognosis
Language is a mirror of society. It is one of the most important communication tools and social changes or potential social changes can often be reflected in it